In a vehicle, power steering is a system for steering which uses power from the engine so that it is easier for the driver to steer the vehicle.
power steering in British English
a form of steering used on vehicles, where the torque applied to the steering wheel is augmented by engine power
Also called: power-assisted steering
power steering in Automotive Engineering
(paʊər stɪərɪŋ)
(Automotive engineering: Vehicle components, Brakes, steering, wheels, tires, and suspension)
In a vehicle, power steering or power-assisted steering is a system for steering that uses power from the engine so that it is easier forthe driver to steer the vehicle.
Nearly all power steering systems use fluid pressure to assist the driver in turning the front wheels.
The variable power steering, very light for parking, is firm at high speeds.
Conventional power steering simply reduces the effort required by the driver to turn the steering wheel.
Examples of 'power steering' in a sentence
power steering
The car rolled backwards, arced on its power steering, negotiated a few bumps and floated off into the black shrubbery.
In other languages
power steering
British English: power steering NOUN
In a vehicle, power steering is a system for steering which uses power from the engine so that it is easier for the driver to steer the vehicle.