People sometimes insult someone they do not like by referring to them as a turd.
[informal, rude, disapproval]
turd in British English
noun slang
a lump of dung; piece of excrement
an unpleasant or contemptible person or thing
▶ USAGE This word was formerly considered to be taboo, and it was labelled as such in oldereditions of Collins English Dictionary. However, it is now more acceptable in speech, although some conservative peoplemay object to its use
Word origin
Old English tord; related to Old Norse tordy fill dung beetle, Dutch tort dung
turd in American English
a piece of excrement
now a vulgar term
Word origin
ME < OE tord, akin to MHG zurch, dung, Latvian dirsa, anus < IE base *der-, to split > tear1