Turbot are a type of edible flat fish that live in European seas.
Turbot is this fish eaten as food.
...a fillet of turbot with mushrooms.
turbot in British English
nounWord forms: plural-bot or -bots
a European flatfish, Scophthalmus maximus, having a pale brown speckled scaleless body covered with tubercles: family Bothidae. It is highly valued as a food fish
any of various similar or related fishes
Word origin
C13: from Old French tourbot, from Medieval Latin turbō, from Latin: spinning top, from a fancied similarity in shape; see turbit, turbine
turbot in American English
nounWord forms: pluralˈturbot or ˈturbots
any of various flounders, highly valued as food
Word origin
ME turbut < OFr tourbout, prob. < OSwed törnbut < törn, thorn (akin to thorn) + but, butt1 (so named from the spines)