

单词 powered

Examples of '-powered' in a sentence

Similarly, petrol-powered cars require a continued supply of crude oil to keep running.Glastonbury, with its wind turbines and solar-powered showers, reflects the same ideas even now.The nuclear-powered craft were also vastly more comfortable than their diesel-electric predecessors.Hydrogen-powered cars are no more sustainable than petrolpowered ones.

Definition of '-powered'

Chinese translation of 'powered'




  1. powered by sth 由某物提供动(動)力的 (yóu mǒuwù tígōng dònglì de)
nuclear-powered submarine 核动(動)力潜(潛)艇 (hédònglì qiántǐng)



n (u)

  1. (= control) (over people, activities) 权(權)力 (quánlì)
  2. (= ability) 能力 (nénglì)
  3. (= legal right) 权(權)限 (quánxiàn)
  4. [of ideas, words] 影响(響)力 (yǐngxiǎnglì)
  5. (= force, energy)
    1. [of explosion, engine] 效力 (xiàolì)
    2. [of person, muscle] 力量 (lìliàng)
  6. (= electricity) 电(電)力 (diànlì)


  1. [machine] 为(為) ... 提供动(動)力 (wèi ... tígōng dònglì)
    to do everything in one's power to help 竭尽(盡)全力帮(幫)助 (jiéjìn quánlì bāngzhù)
    a world power 世界大国(國) (shìjiè dàguó)
    the powers that be 当(當)权(權)者 (dāngquánzhě)
    to be in power (Pol) 掌权(權) (zhǎngquán)
    to take power 夺(奪)取政权(權) (duóqǔ zhèngquán)
    to come to power 开(開)始执(執)政 (kāishǐ zhízhèng)
    2 to the power of 3 (Math) 2的3次幂(冪) (èr de sān cì mì)
    a power breakfast/lunch 早/午餐高层(層)汇(匯)报(報)会(會) (zǎo/wǔcān gāocéng huìbàohuì)

Nearby words of

  • power of veto
  • power point
  • power station
  • powered
  • powered by sth
  • powerful
  • powerless

Related terms of

  • power
  • powered by sth
  • nuclear-powered submarine
  • point




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