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( paʊ dəʳ )
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular presenttense powders , present participle powdering , past tense , past participle powdered 1. variable noun Powder consists of many tiny particles of a solid substance.
Put a small amount of the powder into a container and mix with water.
The wood turns to powder in his fingers.
...a fine white powder.
...cocoa powder.
Synonyms: dust, pounce [ rare] , talc , fine grains More Synonyms of powder
2. mass noun Powder is the same as face powder.
3. verb If you powder your face or some other part of your body, you put face powder or talcum powder on it.
She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge. [ VERB noun]
...the old woman's powdered face. [ VERB -ed]
4. uncountable noun Powder is the same as gunpowder.
[ old-fashioned] The smell of powder was in the air.
5. uncountable noun [ oft NOUN noun] Powder is very fine snow.
...a day's powder skiing.
6. See also baking powder, chilli powder, curry powder, talcum powder, washing powder
More Synonyms of powder
powder in British English ( ˈpaʊdə )
noun 1. a solid substance in the form of tiny loose particles
2. any of various preparations in this form, such as gunpowder, face powder, or soap powder
3. fresh loose snow, esp when considered as skiing terrain
4. take a powder
verb 5. to turn into powder; pulverize
6. ( transitive) to cover or sprinkle with or as if with powder
Derived forms
powderer ( ˈpowderer) noun
powdery ( ˈpowdery) adjective
Word origin
C13: from Old French
poldre, from Latin
pulvis dust
powder in American English ( ˈpaʊdər )
noun 1. any dry substance in the form of very fine, dustlike particles, produced by crushing, grinding, etc.
2. a specific kind of powder
bath powder , face powder
3. a. a drug in the form of powder
4. b. Slang a sudden or impulsive rush
obs. or Brit. dial. except in the slang phrase take a powder , to run away; leave 5. fine, light, powdery snow, considered best for skiing
verb transitive 6. to sprinkle or cover with or as with powder
7. to apply cosmetic powder to (the body, face, etc.)
8. to make into powder; pulverize
verb intransitive 9. to be made into powder
10. to use powder as a cosmetic
Idioms: keep one's powder dry
Derived forms
powderer ( ˈpowderer) noun
Word origin
poudre < OFr < L
pulvis (gen.
pulveris ), dust: see pollen; (sense 4b) prob. in reference to swift explosion of powder
More idioms containing powder
keep your powder dry
sit on a powder keg
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Examples of 'powder' in a sentence powder
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Dust with a little cocoa powder and serve. Now add in the extra sugar and the ginger powder and mix through. It was more smoke than flames but she still filled the cabin with white powder. Dust some cocoa powder all over the mixture and then scatter over some hazelnuts. Other common allergies are to pollen, house dust mites and chemicals such as washing powder. Flavour and heat come from two little jars that most kitchens collect along the way: curry powder and chilli powder. It's also great for picking up any loose powder that's dropped from the brow. One day might be moguls, another day powder, or an introduction to snowboarding. Add tinned tomatoes, chilli powder and ground cumin, then season with pepper. Rub the salt and chilli powder over the steaks and set aside. White powder had been sprinkled along streets and river bank. The soft cream blush turns into powder upon application and is guaranteed to last the day. Use a sheer loose powder to lock it in place. Remove and stir in the cocoa powder until dissolved. Sift the flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl. Reports come in of glorious fresh powder and crazy queues. These chemicals are also found in washing powder and certain beauty products. Choosing a football club is not like choosing a soap powder or a brand of razor. Remove from the heat and stir in the pepper or chilli powder. Sprinkle with chilli powder and a little squeeze of lime juice and some salt. The powders are very fine and the strong pigment delivers a flash of citrus. Then press the tissue against your lips and dust loose powder over it using a powder brush. Pour the mix into bowls and finish with a dust of cocoa powder. Add the sifted flour and cocoa powder and mix through well. The tissue is removed from the acid and turned into powder which patients then put on their wound. Constant offshore Siberian breezes bring huge quantities of fresh powder snow. Want to ditch your face powder now the weather's warmer? Apply your foundation as normal, then buff face powder over your eyelids for the perfect base. Two: think of make-up and you either imagine a lipstick or a powder compact. If it's a powder day, head straight for the lifts. British English :
powder /
ˈpaʊdə /
NOUN Powder consists of many tiny particles of a solid substance.
Her face was covered with white powder.
American English : powder Arabic : مَسْحُوق Brazilian Portuguese : pó Chinese : 粉 Croatian : puder Czech : prášek Danish : krudt Dutch : poeder European Spanish : polvo partículasFinnish : jauhe French : poudre German : Pulver Greek : σκόνη Italian : polvere Japanese : 粉 Korean : 가루 Norwegian : pudder Polish : proszek European Portuguese : pó Romanian : pudră Russian : порошок Latin American Spanish : polvo talcoSwedish : pulver Thai : ผง Turkish : toz Ukrainian : порошок Vietnamese : bột British English :
powder VERB If a woman powders her face or some other part of her body, she puts face powder or talcum powder on it.
She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge.
American English : powder Brazilian Portuguese : pulverizar Chinese : 往…上搽粉 European Spanish : empolvar French : poudrer German : pudern Italian : incipriare Japanese : おしろいをつける Korean : 분을 바르다 European Portuguese : pulverizar Latin American Spanish : empolvar Translate your text for free
All related terms of 'powder' Chinese translation of 'powder' n (c/u) 粉 (fěn) (袋 , dài ) (u) (also face powder ) 扑(撲)面粉 (pūmiànfěn) vt to powder one's face 在脸(臉)上擦粉 (zài liǎnshang cāfěn)
to powder one's nose 上厕(廁)所 (shàng cèsuǒ)
All related terms of 'powder'
a substance in the form of tiny loose particles
a fine white powder
pounce (rare)
fine grains
loose particles
to cover or sprinkle with powder
Powder the puddings with icing sugar.
Mix all the powdered ingredients together.
Additional synonyms Definition
to break or grind into small pieces
Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank.
squash ,
pound ,
break ,
smash ,
squeeze ,
crumble ,
crunch ,
mash ,
compress ,
press ,
crumple ,
pulverize ,
crystallize ,
pound ,
grind ,
crush ,
powder ,
crumble ,
pulverize ,
triturate ,
to crush to pieces or to powder
She paused as she pounded the maize grains.
crush ,
powder ,
bruise ,
bray (dialect) ,
pulverize ,
comminute (rare) ,
Additional synonyms Definition
to reduce to fine particles by crushing or grinding
Pulverize the bran to a fine powder.
crush ,
pound ,
grind ,
mill ,
bray ,
pestle ,
granulate ,
comminute ,
triturate ,
to throw about in various directions
He began by scattering seed and putting in plants.
throw about ,
spread ,
sprinkle ,
strew ,
broadcast ,
shower ,
fling ,
litter ,
sow ,
diffuse ,
disseminate Definition
to scatter (liquid or powder) in tiny drops over (something)
Cheese can be sprinkled on egg and vegetable dishes.
scatter ,
dust ,
strew ,
pepper ,
shower ,
spray ,
powder ,
to scatter (things) over a surface
By the end, bodies were strewn all around the headquarters building.
scatter ,
spread ,
litter ,
toss ,
sprinkle ,
disperse ,