any of various small tropical marine percoid fishes of the genus Pomacanthus and related genera, which have a deep flattened brightly coloured body and brushlike teeth: family Chaetodontidae
See also butterflyfish
2. Also called: scalare
a South American cichlid, Pterophyllum scalare, of the Amazon region, having a compressed body and large dorsal and anal fins: a popular aquarium fish
3. another name for angel shark
angelfish in American English
nounWord forms: pluralˈangelˌfish or ˈangelˌfishes
any of a percoid family (Pomacanthidae) of bright-colored, tropical reef fishes with long, trailing spiny fins
Examples of 'angelfish' in a sentence
Today all I hope to spot is an emperor angelfish...' `Emperor angelfish ?
Jenkins, Geoffrey A DAYSTAR OF FEAR (2001)
The angelfish were fighting as always, chasing each other around the submerged plastic shipwreck at the bottom.