Postal is used to describe things or people connected with the public service of carrying letters and packages from one place to another.
Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service.
Include your full postal address.
...postal workers.
2. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Postal is used to describe activities that involve sending things by post.
Unions would elect their leadership by secret postal ballot.
...a postal course in freelance photography.
postal in British English
of or relating to a Post Office or to the mail-delivery service
Derived forms
postally (ˈpostally)
postal in American English
having to do with mail or post offices
2. US, Informal
a postal card
go postal
Word origin
Fr < poste, post3
More idioms containing
go postal
Examples of 'postal' in a sentence
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National postal strikes in 1971 and 1988 were bitterly fought but in the long term futile for the workers involved.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Londoners were found to value the postal service least, with just 11 per cent saying that "snail mail" was important to their business.
Computing (2010)
As I pointed out to the online retailer, it was up to them to refund you and sort things out with the postal service.
The Sun (2016)
All entries must include a daytime telephone number and full postal address.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
They offer a postal service using vacuum packs and a wide range of cuts at reasonable prices.
Lashford, Stephanie The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food (1988)
Please give a phone number and postal address unless you prefer virtual champagne.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The women had already sent off their postal ballots.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The summer recess is the obvious time for the public hustings and postal ballot of party members.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Or at the very least speed up the postal service.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The council has urged voters to return all postal ballots without giving them to a third party.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Can people go elsewhere for postal services?
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
His rivals sued to have the postal ballots recognised.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
And the thought of what they are likely to become if the postal service is privatised fills me with horror.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Sheer cost may force the adoption of the open caucus in a local hall rather than the open postal ballot.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
In one case a family turned up to vote and were told their votes had already been cast by postal ballot.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Postal services were also being halted.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
They hope one day to bring back the sought-after postal service.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
They are then put to a postal ballot of the 150,000 party members.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The union plans a postal ballot of all its 160,000 members for a national strike next month.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The standard of postal services is not good enough, despite the hard work of many postal workers and counter staff.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Think of this business keeping the postal service profitable and write to some friends or enter competitions so that you may then get some more welcome mail.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
There is no postal address on the website, and after a while you feel as if you are dealing with a phantom outfit.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
And look out for the postal form and full details of how to claim your fab FREE party pack.
The Sun (2011)
They provide full postal services, as well as telephones for both local and long-distance calls.
Delaforce, Patrick Collins Traveller, Brittany (1993)
Include your name, postal address, and a daytime telephone number.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
If you'd like to try them, send me your name and postal address.
The Sun (2012)
All I have is their phone number - they refuse to give me their postal address.
The Sun (2012)
In other languages
British English: postal ADJECTIVE
Postal is used to describe things or people connected with the public service of carrying letters and packages from one place to another.
Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service.
American English: postal
Brazilian Portuguese: postal
Chinese: 邮政的
European Spanish: de Correos
French: postal
German: Post-
Italian: postale
Japanese: 郵便局の
Korean: 우편의
European Portuguese: postal
Latin American Spanish: de Correos
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All related terms of 'postal'
go postal
to become extremely angry
postal card
a card sold by the post office, with the postage printed on it for mailing without an envelope , used to send short messages
postal code
a code of letters and digits used as part of a postal address to aid the sorting of mail
postal note
a written order for the payment of a sum of money, to a named payee , obtainable and payable at a post office
postal vote
a voting slip that can be filled in at home and sent by post
postal meter
a postal franking machine
postal order
A postal order is a piece of paper representing a sum of money which you can buy at a post office and send to someone as a way of sending them money by post.
postal service
→ post office (sense 1 )
postal stationery
postal items other than stamps issued by a government, as stamped envelopes , postal cards, and aerogrammes
mail carrier
A mail carrier is a person whose job is to collect and deliver letters and parcels that are sent by post .
A postcard is a piece of thin card, often with a picture on one side, which you can write on and send to people without using an envelope.
Your postcode is a short sequence of numbers and letters at the end of your address, which helps the post office to sort the mail.
money order
A money order is a piece of paper representing a sum of money which you can buy at a post office and send to someone as a way of sending them money by post.