Possessions are all the items that a policyholder owns or has at a particular time and that are covered by a residential insurance policy.
Your estate is the total value of your possessions in whatever form they take.
The typical homeowners' insurance policy covers personal possessions inside the house such as furniture, appliances, and clothing, against a wide varietyof perils.
Possessions are all the items that a policyholder owns or has at a particular time and that arecovered by a residential insurance policy.
Examples of 'possessions' in a sentence
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He checked the room, as she had, to see if there were answers amongst his few possessions.
All related terms of 'possessions'
If you are in possession of something, you have it, because you have obtained it or because it belongs to you.
adverse possession
the occupation or possession of land by a person not legally entitled to it. If continued unopposed for a period specified by law , such occupation extinguishes the title of the rightful owner
unlawful possession
possession of substances or items (such as drugs or guns ) for which criminal sanctions exist because they may not be legally possessed or may not be possessed under certain circumstances
vacant possession
ownership of an unoccupied house or property, any previous owner or tenant having departed