Triad of tumefaction, discharging sinuses, and grains characterizes the disease.
Gitesh U Sawatkar, Vaishali H Wankhade, Bhagyashree B Supekar, Rajesh Pratap Pratap,Dharitri M Bhat, Supriya S Tankhiwale 2019, 'Mycetoma: A common yet unrecognized health burden in central India', Indian Dermatology Online Journal;year=2019;volume=10;issue=3;spage=256;epage=261;aulast=Sawatkar. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Soft tissue ultrasound confirmed the diagnosis of hemangiomatous tumefaction (31x19x20mm), with extension to muscular groups.
Susana Lopes, Sílvia Álvares, José Banquart Leitão, Sara Figueiredo 2017, 'ULCERATIVE INFANTILE HEMANGIOMA – IS THERE AN ALTERNATIVE TO PROPRANOLOL?', Nascer e Crescer Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The tumefaction was hard and it reached the level of the umbilicus.
Carlo Pafumi, Maria Cristina Teodoro, Alfio DAgati, Ilaria Marilli, Gianluca Leanza,Vito Leanza 2013, 'Myxoid Leiomyosarcoma', Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Clinically, mycetomas present as areas of tumefaction with nodules and discharging sinuses.
Hosahalli Rajaiah Yogeesh, Sujatha Chankramath, Seema Srinivasa, Raja Parthiban SravanaRajendran, Poornima Kamalaksha Shenoy 2011, 'A case of nocardia mycetoma occurring at the site of skin grafting', Nasza Dermatologia Online Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In general endotracheal anesthesia partial synovectomy was done with complete extirpation of tumefaction.
Marić Dušan M., Vučković Nada, Gajdobranski Đorđe R., Drašković Biljana G., BekićVesna, Jovanović Mladen, Petković Lazar D., Marić Dušica L. 2004, 'Pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee in a child: Case report', Archive of Oncology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Physical examination revealed a 6 cm, painless, and pedunculated presternal tumefaction.
Mona Mlika, Beya Chelly, Sadok Boudaya, Aida Ayadi-Kaddour, Tarek Kilani, Faouzi ElMezni 2012, 'Poroid hidradenoma: a case report', Nasza Dermatologia Online Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Magnetic resonance imaging revealed, in the projection of the suprapattelar recessus, tumefaction of irregular shape; the largest diameter 11x5 cm.
Marić Dušan M., Vučković Nada, Gajdobranski Đorđe R., Drašković Biljana G., BekićVesna, Jovanović Mladen, Petković Lazar D., Marić Dušica L. 2004, 'Pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee in a child: Case report', Archive of Oncology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The tumefaction corresponded to a brachial artery pseudoaneurysm completely thrombosed causing severe compression of the median nerve.
João Lobo, Mariana Cunha Ferreira, Pedro Negrão Ramos 2018, 'Pseudoaneurysm of brachial artery: A rare cause of median nerve compression', Trauma Case Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The intense headache, temporal tumefaction, mandibular claudication and visual loss are the main signals and symptoms.
Palheta Neto, Francisco Xavier, Carneiro, Kássia Lima, Rodrigues Junior, Orlando Maciel,Rodrigues Junior, Adilson Góes, Jacob, Celidia Cristina de Souza, Palheta, AngélicaCristina Pezzin 2008, 'Clinical aspects of the temporal arteritis', International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (