the capital of the People's Republic of China, in the northeast in Beijing municipality (traditionally in Hebei province); the country's second largest city: dates back to the 12th century bc; consists of two central walled cities, the Outer City (containing the commercial quarter) and the Inner City, which contains the Imperial City, within which is the Purple or Forbidden City; many universities. Pop: 20 383 994 (2015 est)
( leaning on, touching ) 紧(緊)靠在 jǐnkào zài ⇒ He stood the ladder against the wall. → 他把梯子紧靠在墙上。 Tā bǎ tīzi jǐn kào zài qiáng shang. ⇒ She pressed her nose against the window. → 她把鼻子紧贴在窗户上。 Tā bǎ bízi jǐn tiē zài chuānghù shang.
against a background of ...
在 ... 的背景下 zài ... de bèijǐng xià
against a blue background
衬(襯)着(著)蓝(藍)色的背景 chènzhe lánsè de bèijǐng
( visitor, news, change etc ) 受欢(歡)迎的 shòu huānyíng de
a novel set in Rome
以罗(羅)马(馬)为(為)背景的小说(說) yǐ Luómǎ wéi bèijǐng de xiǎoshuō
[ c ] ( of problems, questions ) 系列 xìliè ⇒ a new set of problems → 一系列新问题 yīxìliè xīn wèntí ( of cutlery, saucepans, books, keys ) 套 tào ( of golf clubs, spanners ) 成套 chéngtào
[ c ] ( Theat , TV , Rad ) 戏(戲)剧(劇) xìjù [ 出 chū ]