the condition of a system when some or all of the quantities describing it are independent of time but not necessarily in thermodynamic or chemical equilibrium
See also equilibrium (sense 6)
steady-state in American English
designating or of a system, operation, mixture, rate, etc. that does not change with time or that maintains a state of relative equilibrium even after undergoing fluctuations or transformations
steady-state in Chemical Engineering
(stɛdi steɪt)
(Chemical Engineering: Heat transfer)
Steady-state heat or mass flow is even, and heat or mass does not gather in a particular area.
Under conditions of steady-state conservative flow the throughput across the entrance to a pipe is equal to the throughputat the exit.
A steady-state flow is one in which the accumulation term is zero or negligibly small.
Steady-state heat or mass flow is even, and heat or mass does not gather in a particular area.
steady-state in Mechanical Engineering
(stɛdi steɪt)
(Mechanical engineering: Energy, thermodynamics and heat transfer)
Steady-state heat or mass flow is even, and heat or mass does not gather in a particular area.
Under conditions of steady-state conservative flow the throughput across the entrance to a pipe is equal to the throughputat the exit.
It is essential to maintain a constant top surface temperature, and hence maintainsteady-state conditions, if a billet with a consistent microstructure is to be produced.
Steady-state heat or mass flow is even, and heat or mass does not gather in a particular area.
Examples of 'steady state' in a sentence
steady state
He seemed to take in alcohol at a steady-state clip, inhaling it like air, without ever showing much effect.