a state of central Germany, formed in 1945 from the former Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau and part of the former state of Hesse; part of West Germany until 1990. Capital: Wiesbaden. Pop: 6 089 000 (2003 est). Area: 21 111 sq km (8151 sq miles)
German name: Hessen (ˈhɛsən)
Hesse in British English2
(hɛs, German ˈhɛsə)
Hermann (ˈhɛrman). 1877–1962, German novelist, short-story writer, and poet. His novels include Der Steppenwolf (1927) and Das Glasperlenspiel (1943): Nobel prize for literature 1946
Hesse in American English1
ˈHermann (ˈhɛʀmɑn) 1877-1962; Ger. novelist in Switzerland
Hesse in American English2
(hɛs; ˈhɛsə)
state of central Germany: 8,152 sq mi (21,114 sq km); pop. 5,981,000; cap. Wiesbaden
former region in WC Germany embracing various political units historically