an inland port in NW Oregon, on the Willamette River: the largest city in the state; shipbuilding and chemicalindustries. Pop: 538 544 (2003 est)
a port in SW Maine, on Casco Bay: the largest city in the state; settled by the English in 1632, destroyed successively by French, Indian, and British attacks, and rebuilt; capital of Maine (1820–32). Pop: 63 635 (2003 est)
Portland in British English2
3rd Duke of. title of William Henry Cavendish Bentinck. 1738–1809, British statesman; prime minister (1783; 1807–09); father of Lord William Cavendish Bentinck
Portland in American English
city & port in NW Oreg., near the confluence of the Columbia & Willamette rivers: pop. 529,000
seaport in SW Me., on the Atlantic: pop. 64,000
Word origin
(sense 1) after the city in Maine; (sense 2) after town and island in England