A tuber is the swollen underground stem of particular types of plants.
tuber in British English
a fleshy underground stem (as in the potato) or root (as in the dahlia) that is an organ of vegetative reproduction and food storage
2. anatomy
a raised area; swelling
Word origin
C17: from Latin tūber hump
tuber in American English
(ˈtubər; ˈtjubər)
a short, thickened, fleshy part of an underground stem, as a potato: new plants develop from the buds, or eyes, that grow in the axils of the minute scale leaves of a tuber
2. Anatomy
a tubercle or swelling
Word origin
L, lit., a swelling, knob, truffle < IE *teubh- < base *tēu-, to swell > thumb, L tumere, to swell
Examples of 'tuber' in a sentence
You can then mulch them and leave them in the ground for the winter, or lift the tubers and store them, cleaned of soil.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Why are my potato tubers covered in cracks?
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The underground tubers can be harvested throughout autumn and winter.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
The best way to grow potatoes is to use small tubers that have been sprouted for at least a month.
Kitto, Dick Planning the Organic Vegetable Garden (1986)
It's also worth lifting a few tubers in case the soil freezes solid.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
You can cut larger tubers down to size, but this does not give such a good crop.
Kitto, Dick Planning the Organic Vegetable Garden (1986)
WHY have the skins on my potato tubers gone green?
The Sun (2012)
WHAT is making round holes in my potato tubers?
The Sun (2011)
Alternatively, you could take a note of those you admire and experiment with dry bulbs and tubers this autumn.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Retailers usually offer smaller sizes to hold down prices but our offer this week brings top quality larger tubers at money-saving prices.
The Sun (2012)
Alternatively, plant three tubers in a 10in container.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
There are 350 of Suttons vouchers for the heaviest single potato and largest number of tubers grown.
The Sun (2010)
At season's end, gardeners are left with small tubers on the base of each plant.
The Sun (2012)
Wait until a dry, sunny day, then lift the tubers out of the ground with a garden fork.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
This is the time to divide the tubers, small as you like, or to buy some new plants.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The edible, underground tubers are best left in the soil and lifted as required between October and early spring.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
I'd pot up the tubers and cut the stems down to the lowest pair of buds, keeping them cold and barely moist.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Word lists with
terms used in botany
In other languages
British English: tuber NOUN
A tuber is the swollen underground stem of particular types of plants.