A tsetse fly or a tsetse is an African fly that feeds on blood and can cause serious diseases in the people and animals that it bites.
tsetse fly in British English
or tzetze fly (ˈtsɛtsɪ)
any of various bloodsucking African dipterous flies of the genus Glossina, which transmit the pathogens of various diseases: family Muscidae
Word origin
C19: via Afrikaans from Tswana
tsetse fly in American English
(ˈtsɛtsi; ˈtsitsi; ˈsɛtsi; ˈsitsi; ˈtitsi)
any of a family (Glossinidae) of small dipterous flies of central and S Africa, including species that carry the trypanosomes that cause nagana and sleeping sickness