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A profusion of wild flowers grew by the wayside -- the crimson poppies standing out.
Haines, Pamela THE GOLDEN LION
They passed fields of blooming orchids, pink and white chrysanthemums, and dark red poppies, all swaying gently in the breeze.
She cries and cries and has to tell Brian Moss when he comes in that she's allergic to the poppies on her desk.
All related terms of 'poppies'
A poppy is a plant with a large, delicate flower, usually red in colour. The drug opium is obtained from one type of poppy.
blue poppy
a papaveraceous plant, Meconopsis betonicifolia , grown for its showy sky-blue flowers
corn poppy
a poppy , Papaver rhoeas, that has bright red flowers and grows in cornfields . Since World War I it has been the symbol of fallen soldiers
field poppy
a poppy , Papaver rhoeas, that has bright red flowers and grows in cornfields . Since World War I it has been the symbol of fallen soldiers
Flanders poppy
a poppy , Papaver rhoeas, that has bright red flowers and grows in cornfields . Since World War I it has been the symbol of fallen soldiers
opium poppy
a poppy , Papaver somniferum, of SW Asia, with greyish-green leaves and typically white or reddish flowers: widely cultivated as a source of opium
tall poppy
a person who has a high salary or is otherwise prominent
Tibetan poppy
a papaveraceous plant, Meconopsis betonicifolia , grown for its showy sky-blue flowers
Welsh poppy
a perennial W European papaveraceous plant, Meconopsis cambrica, with large yellow flowers
horned poppy
any of several Eurasian papaveraceous plants of the genera Glaucium and Roemeria, having large brightly coloured flowers and long curved seed capsules
Iceland poppy
any of various widely cultivated arctic poppies , esp Papaver nudicaule, with white or yellow nodding flowers
Oriental poppy
a perennial poppy ( Papaver orientale ), cultivated for its large red, pink , or white flowers
prickly poppy
an annual papaveraceous plant, Argemone mexicana, of tropical America, having prickly stems and leaves and large yellow or white flowers
California poppy
a papaveraceous plant, Eschscholtzia californica, of the Pacific coast of North America, having yellow or orange flowers and finely divided bluish-green leaves
a papaveraceous plant, Eschscholtzia californica, of the Pacific coast of North America, having yellow or orange flowers and finely divided bluish-green leaves