I didn't tell him who I was, just said I was in from the States looking into investment opportunities for clients.
Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002)
Several went to the United States, where one was for example kept in the Chicago Zoo from 1928 for nearly twenty years.
All related terms of 'States'
You can refer to countries as states , particularly when you are discussing politics .
Gulf States
the oil-producing states around the Persian Gulf: Iran , Iraq , Kuwait , Saudi Arabia , Bahrain , Qatar , the United Arab Emirates , and Oman
the States
the United States
Balkan States
the countries of the Balkan Peninsula : the former Yugoslavian Republics, Romania , Bulgaria , Albania , Greece, and the European part of Turkey
Baltic States
the republics of Estonia , Latvia , and Lithuania , which became constituent republics of the former Soviet Union in 1940, regaining their independence in 1991
border states
slave states bordering on the free states before the Civil War: Mo ., Ky., Va., Md., & Del .
Malay States
the former states of the Malay Peninsula that, together with Penang and Malacca , formed the Union of Malaya (1946) and the Federation of Malaya (1948). Perak , Selangor , Negri Sembilan, and Pahang were established as the Federated Malay States by the British in 1895 and Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan , and Trengannu as the Unfederated Malay States in 1909 (joined by Johore in 1914)
Middle States
those eastern states between the New England states and the South; New York , New Jersey , Pennsylvania , Delaware , and Maryland
Native States
the former 562 semi-independent states of India, ruled by Indians but subject to varying degrees of British authority: merged with provinces by 1948; largest states were Hyderabad , Gwalior , Baroda , Mysore , Cochin , Jammu and Kashmir , Travancore , Sikkim , and Indore
Papal States
the temporal domain of the popes in central Italy from 756 ad until the unification of Italy in 1870
Punjab States
(formerly) a group of states in NW India, amalgamated in 1956 with Punjab state
United States
The United States of America is the official name for the country in North America that consists of fifty states and the District of Columbia . It is bordered by Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. The form United States is also used.
Barbary States
semi-independent Turkish provinces along the coast of N Africa (16th-19th cent.); Tripoli , Tunisia , Algeria , & Morocco
neighbor states
the states or countries next to another state or country
States General
the bicameral legislature of the Netherlands
states' rights
the rights and powers generally conceded to the states , or all those powers claimed for the states under some interpretations of the Constitution
Trucial States
a group of seven emirates in SW Asia, on the Persian Gulf : consists of Abu Dhabi, Dubai , Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al Qaiwain, Ras el Khaimah, and Fujairah; a former British protectorate ; became fully independent in 1971; consists mostly of flat desert , with mountains in the east; rich petroleum resources . Official language: Arabic . Official religion: Muslim . Currency: dirham . Capital: Abu Dhabi. Pop: 9 400 145 (2017 est). Area: 83 600 sq km (32 300 sq miles)
associated states
Anguilla , Antigua , Dominica , Grenada , St Kitts and Nevis , St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines, which had the status of associated statehood
Council of States
the upper chamber of India's Parliament
the United States
a federal republic mainly in North America consisting of 50 states and the District of Columbia : colonized principally by the English and French in the 17th century, the indigenous inhabitants being gradually defeated and displaced ; 13 colonies under British rule made the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and became the United States after the War of American Independence. The northern states defeated the South in the Civil War (1861–65). It is the world's most productive industrial nation and also exports agricultural products. It consists generally of the Rocky Mountains in the west, the Great Plains in the centre, the Appalachians in the east, deserts in the southwest , and coastal lowlands and swamps in the southeast . Language: predominantly English; Spanish is also widely spoken. Religion : Christian majority . Currency : dollar . Capital: Washington , DC. Pop: 324 459 463 (2017 est). Area: 9 518 323 sq km (3 675 031 sq miles)
United Arab States
a federation (1958–61) between the United Arab Republic and Yemen
United States Army
the Regular Army of the United States
United States Navy
the naval branch of the United States armed forces
Persian Gulf States
group of Arab sheikdoms along the Persian Gulf: Kuwait , Bahrain , Qatar , & United Arab Emirates
United Mexican States
a republic in North America, on the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific : early Mexican history includes the Maya , Toltec , and Aztec civilizations ; conquered by the Spanish between 1519 and 1525 and achieved independence in 1821; lost Texas to the US in 1836 and California and New Mexico in 1848. It is generally mountainous with three ranges of the Sierra Madre (east, west, and south) and a large central plateau . Official language: Spanish. Religion : Roman Catholic majority . Currency : peso . Capital: Mexico City. Pop: 129 163 276 (2017 est). Area: 1 967 183 sq km (761 530 sq miles)
a state consisting of a sovereign city and its dependencies . Among the most famous are the great independent cities of the ancient world, such as Athens , Sparta , Carthage , Thebes , Corinth , and Rome
deep state
a group of senior civil servants and military officials believed by some to exert secret control over its country's government
a very small nation that is an internationally-recognized sovereign state
Federated Malay States
the former states of the Malay Peninsula that, together with Penang and Malacca , formed the Union of Malaya (1946) and the Federation of Malaya (1948). Perak , Selangor , Negri Sembilan, and Pahang were established as the Federated Malay States by the British in 1895 and Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan , and Trengannu as the Unfederated Malay States in 1909 (joined by Johore in 1914)
Middle Atlantic States
the states of New York , Pennsylvania , and New Jersey
States of the Church
→ Papal States
Unfederated Malay States
a former group of native states in the Malay Peninsula that became British protectorates between 1885 and 1909. All except Brunei joined the Malayan Union (later Federation of Malaya ) in 1946. Brunei joined the Federation of Malaysia in 1963 but later became an independent nation
countries of the Balkan Peninsula (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia , Croatia , Montenegro , Macedonia , Bulgaria , Albania , Greece, & the European part of Turkey) & Romania
border state
a state adjacent to a border
buffer state
A buffer state is a peaceful country situated between two or more larger hostile countries.
client state
A client state is a country which is controlled or influenced by another larger and more powerful state, or which depends on this state for support and protection .
failed state
a weak state where social and political structures have collapsed to the point where the government has little or no control
ground state
the lowest energy state of an atom , molecule , particle , etc
nanny state
If you refer to the government as the nanny state , you disapprove of it because you think it tries to protect its citizens too much and makes them rely on the state too much.
a country in which the illegal trade in narcotic drugs forms a substantial part of the economy
nation state
A nation-state is an independent state which consists of people from one particular national group.
outlaw state
a state that conducts its policy in a dangerously unpredictable way, disregarding international law or diplomacy
police state
A police state is a country in which the government controls people's freedom by means of the police, especially secret police.
rogue state
When politicians or journalists talk about a rogue state , they mean a country that they regard as a threat to their own country's security , for example because it supports terrorism .
steady state
the condition of a system when some or all of the quantities describing it are independent of time but not necessarily in thermodynamic or chemical equilibrium
United States of America
a federal republic mainly in North America consisting of 50 states and the District of Columbia : colonized principally by the English and French in the 17th century, the indigenous inhabitants being gradually defeated and displaced ; 13 colonies under British rule made the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and became the United States after the War of American Independence. The northern states defeated the South in the Civil War (1861–65). It is the world's most productive industrial nation and also exports agricultural products. It consists generally of the Rocky Mountains in the west, the Great Plains in the centre, the Appalachians in the east, deserts in the southwest , and coastal lowlands and swamps in the southeast . Language: predominantly English; Spanish is also widely spoken. Religion : Christian majority . Currency : dollar . Capital: Washington , DC. Pop: 324 459 463 (2017 est). Area: 9 518 323 sq km (3 675 031 sq miles)
United States Air Force
the aviation branch of the United States armed forces
War Between the States
the American Civil War
critical state
the state of a substance in which two of its phases have the same temperature , pressure, and volume
excited state
any of the energy levels of a physical system, esp. an atom , molecule , etc., that has higher energy than the lowest energy level