the daughter of Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus, who saved her from a sea monster
Andromeda in British English2
nounWord forms: Latin genitiveAndromedae (ænˈdrɒmɪˌdiː)
a constellation in the N hemisphere lying between Cassiopeia and Pegasus, the three brightest stars being of the second magnitude. It contains the Andromeda Galaxy a spiral galaxy 2.2 million light years away
Andromeda in American English
1. Greek Mythology
an Ethiopian princess whom Perseus rescues from a sea monster and then marries
2. Astronomy
a N constellation between Cassiopeia and Pisces containing the nearest spiral galaxy (Andromeda Galaxy) which is just visible to the naked eye
3. [a-]
any of several species of two genera (Andromeda and Pieris) of evergreen shrubs of the heath family