


All related terms of '度'

English translation of '度'


  1. (= 限度) limit
    ⇒ 他疲劳过度。 (Tā píláo guòdù.) He was totally exhausted.
  2. (= 气量) tolerance
    ⇒ 大度 (dàdù) magnanimous
  3. (= 考虑) consideration
    ⇒ 消防员们已把生死置之度外。 (Xiāofángyuánmen yǐ bǎ shēngsǐ zhì zhī dù wài.) The firemen didn't give a thought to their personal safety.
  4. (程度) degree
    ⇒ 厚度 (hòudù) thickness
    ⇒ 亮度 (liàngdù) brightness

  1. (指经度或纬度) degree
    ⇒ 北纬42度 (běiwěi sìshí'èr dù) latitude 42 degrees north
  2. (指电量) kilowatt-hour
    ⇒ 1度电 (yī dù diàn) one kilowatt-hour
  3. (指温度) degree
    ⇒ 零下十度 (língxià shí dù) minus ten degrees
    ⇒ 水的沸点为100度。 (Shuǐ de fèidiǎn wéi yībǎi dù.) The boiling point of water is 100 degrees.
  4. (指弧度或角度) degree
    ⇒ 直角为90度。 (Zhíjiǎo wéi jiǔshí dù.) A right-angle is 90 degrees.
  5. (= ) time
    ⇒ 一年一度的会议 (yī nián yī dù de huìyì) annual meeting

  1. spend (pt, pp spent)
    ⇒ 他们要去瑞士度周末。 (Tāmen yào qù Ruìshì dù zhōumò.) They are going to spend the weekend in Switzerland.

see also



  1. () surmise

see also


Nearby words of

Related terms of

  • 制度
  • 力度
  • 印度
  • 国度
  • 坡度




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