or Stanislavski (ˌstænɪˈslævskɪ, Russian stəniˈslafskij)
Konstantin (kənstanˈtin). 1863–1938, Russian actor and director, cofounder of the Moscow Art Theatre (1897). He is famous for his theory of acting, known as the Method, which directs the actor to find the truth within himself about the role he is playing
Stanislavsky in American English
(ˌstænɪˈslɑfski; ˌ stɑnɪˈslɑfski)
ˈKonstanˌtin (ˈkɑnstənˌtin) (born Konstantin Sergeyevich Alekseyev) 1863-1938; Russ. actor, director, & teacher of acting