

单词 stand up

Examples of 'stand up' in a sentence
stand up

She tried to stand up, to direct the flow of marks into the wall or ceiling.Chas, you know, was always delicate and they were anxious about how he would stand up to shock.I couldn't do anything when I was sitting down, but when Saisse forced me to stand up I feigned a dizzy spell.Out of the corner of her eye she saw a few people stand up from the bus stop bench.A stand-up wash in the kitchen suited me and I wouldn't have put it past him to do a jimmy riddle in the tub, just to spite me.Despite those two years on the box, he was still a stand-up at heart.An overpowered Zodiac with a fiberglass transom and stand-up steering console.

In other languages
stand up

British English: stand up /stænd ʌp/ VERB
When you are standing up, your body is upright, your legs are straight, and your weight is supported by your feet.
Shop assistants have to stand up all day.
  • American English: stand up
  • Arabic: يَنْهَضُ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: levantar-se
  • Chinese: 起立
  • Croatian: stajati
  • Czech: stát na nohou
  • Danish: stå op
  • Dutch: opstaan gaan staan
  • European Spanish: ponerse en pie
  • Finnish: seista
  • French: se lever
  • German: aufstehen
  • Greek: σηκώνομαι
  • Italian: alzarsi
  • Japanese: 起立する
  • Korean: 일어서다
  • Norwegian: stå opp
  • Polish: stanąć
  • European Portuguese: estar de pé
  • Romanian: a sta în picioare
  • Russian: стоять
  • Latin American Spanish: ponerse en pie
  • Swedish: sätta sig emot
  • Thai: ยืนขึ้น
  • Turkish: hakkını savunmak
  • Ukrainian: вставати
  • Vietnamese: đứng lên

All related terms of 'stand up'

Chinese translation of 'stand up'

stand up


  1. [person] (= rise) 起立 (qǐlì)
    ⇒ I put down my glass and stood up. 我把玻璃杯放下,站起来。 (Wǒ bǎ bōlibēi fàngxià, zhàn qǐlái.)
  2. [person] (= be on one's feet) 站立 (zhànlì)
    ⇒ a shop assistant who has to stand up all day 整天都得站着的售货员 (zhěngtiān dōu děi zhànzhe de shòuhuòyuán)
  3. [claim, evidence] 站得住脚(腳) (zhàndezhù jiǎo)
    ⇒ He made wild accusations that did not stand up. 他做了无根无据、根本站不住脚的指控。 (Tā zuòle wú gēn wú jù, gēnběn zhàn bù zhù jiǎo de zhǐkòng.)
See stand

All related terms of 'stand up'

(phrasal verb) 
to be accepted as satisfactory or true
He made wild accusations that did not stand up in court.
be plausible
be convincing
hold up
I'm not sure if the argument holds up, but it's stimulating.
hold water
This argument simply doesn't hold water.
carry weight
wash (informal)
All those excuses simply won't wash with me.
bear scrutiny
See stand

Additional synonyms

in the sense of hold up
I'm not sure if the argument holds up, but it's stimulating.
hold water (informal),
be valid,
be logical,
be credible,
be consistent
in the sense of hold water
This argument simply doesn't hold water.
be sound,
stand up,
be convincing,
hold up,
make sense,
be logical,
ring true,
be credible,
pass the test,
be plausible,
be tenable,
bear examination or scrutiny
in the sense of wash
to be acceptable or believable
All those excuses simply won't wash with me.
be plausible,
stand up,
hold up,
pass muster,
hold water,
carry weight,
be convincing,
bear scrutiny

Synonyms of 'stand up'

stand up

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