When you hear a sound, you become aware of it through your ears .
hear from
to get a letter, telegram , etc. from
hear out
If you hear someone out , you listen to them without interrupting them until they have finished saying everything that they want to say .
hear tell
to be told (about); learn (of)
hear music
Music is the pattern of sounds produced by people singing or playing instruments.
(of headphones ) allowing a user to be aware of ambient sounds
hear a peep
If you say that you don't hear a peep from someone, you mean that they do not say anything or make any noise .
not hear of
to forbid or refuse to consider
hear a rumour
A rumour is a story or piece of information that may or may not be true, but that people are talking about.
hear a scream
When someone screams , they make a very loud , high-pitched cry , for example because they are in pain or are very frightened .
hear the message
The message that someone is trying to communicate , for example in a book or play, is the idea or point that they are trying to communicate.
do/did you hear (me)?
If you say ' Do you hear ? ' or ' Did you hear me? ' to someone, you are telling them in an angry or forceful way to pay attention to what you are saying .
won't/wouldn't hear of sth
If you say that you won't hear of someone doing something, you mean that you refuse to let them do it.
you can't hear yourself think
If you say that you can't hear yourself think , you are complaining and emphasizing that there is a lot of noise , and that it is disturbing you or preventing you from doing something.
hear something through the grapevine
to hear about something informally,from the people you know
you could have heard a pin drop you could hear a pin drop
You can say you could have heard a pin drop when a place is extremely quiet , especially because everyone is waiting for someone to speak or when someone has made a shocking remark .