language note: The form whilst is also used in formal or literary English, especially British English.
1. conjunction
If something happens while something else is happening, the two things are happening at the same time.
They were grinning and watching while one man laughed and poured his drink over thehead of another.
I sat on the settee to unwrap the package while he stood by.
Racing was halted for an hour while the track was repaired.
Her parents could help with child care while she works.
2. conjunction
If something happens while something else happens, the first thing happens at some point during the time thatthe second thing is happening.
The two ministers have yet to meet, but may do so while in New York.
Never apply water to a burn while the casualty is still in contact with electriccurrent.
3. conjunction
You use while at the beginning of a clause to introduce information which contrasts with information in the main clause.
Marianne was tempted to turn the large rooms into traditional French-style salons,while Howard was in favour of a typically English look.
The first two services are free, while the third costs £35.00.
4. conjunction
You use while, before making a statement, in order to introduce information that partly conflicts with your statement.
While the numbers of such developments are relatively small, the potential marketis large.
While the modelling business is not easy to get into, the good model will alwaysbe in demand.
While the news, so far, has been good, there may be days ahead when it is bad.
More Synonyms of while
while noun and verb uses
Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense whiles, present participle whiling, past tense, past participle whiled
1. singular noun
Awhile is a period of time.
They walked on in silence for a while.
He was married a little while ago.
Working at low intensity means that you can continue to perform the activity fora long while.
Synonyms: time, period, stretch, spell More Synonyms of while
See in a while
3. once in a while
4. worth your while
Phrasal verbs:
See while away
while in British English
conjunction also: whilst (waɪlst)
1. (subordinating)
at the same time that
please light the fire while I'm cooking
2. (subordinating)
all the time that
I stay inside while it's raining
3. (subordinating)
in spite of the fact that
while I agree about his brilliance I still think he's rude
4. (coordinating)
whereas; and in contrast
flats are expensive, while houses are cheap
5. (subordinating; used with a gerund)
during the activity of
while walking I often whistle
preposition, conjunction
6. Scottish and Northern England dialect another word for until
you'll have to wait while Monday for these sheets
you'll never make any progress while you listen to me
7. (usually used in adverbial phrases)
a period or interval of time
once in a long while
trouble or time (esp in the phrase worth one's while)
it's hardly worth your while to begin work today
9. the while
▶ USAGE It was formerly considered incorrect to use while to mean in spite of the fact that or whereas, but these uses are now acceptable
Word origin
Old English hwīl; related to Old High German hwīla (German Weile), Gothic hveila, Latin quiēs peace, tranquīlustranquil
while in American English
(hwaɪl; waɪl)
a period or space of time
a short while
during or throughout the time that
we waited while she dined
at the same time that
while you're up, close the door
although on the one hand
while he was not poor, he had no ready cash
whereas; and on the other hand
the walls are green, while the ceiling is white
5. North England, Archaic
6. North England, Archaic
verb transitiveWord forms: whiled or ˈwhiling
to spend (time) in a pleasant way; cause to pass idly
often with away
to while away the afternoon
between whiles
the while
worth someone's while
Word origin
ME < OE hwil, akin to Ger weile < IE base *kweye-, to rest > L quies, quiet
COBUILD Collocations
short while
Examples of 'while' in a sentence
The last seat in our carriage was taken a while ago.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
So for at least a little while that will be enough.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
This time it happened a good while after.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
The sauce could be made while cooking something else.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
While this may be welcome for wealthier employees it can be difficult for the lower paid.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
There has been no shot on target for a long while.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
While the first person is gone, a second person will move the object to different location.
Smithsonian Mag (2017)
Young went to full back while Martial attacked.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
While things are going well, their nascent union does not yet feel entirely nailed on.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You just need a little patience while it sets in the fridge.
The Sun (2014)
We had split for a while but got back together and were really happy.
The Sun (2014)
The following exercises can be performed while sitting.
Martlew, Gillian & Silver, Shelley Stay Well This Winter (1989)
He has been released while inquiries continue.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
But tablets will have to be propped up on something while you play them.
The Sun (2013)
More time was taken while the officials were changed.
The Sun (2013)
While we were waiting a woman on the phone was talking me through what to do.
The Sun (2013)
The government has to make it worth its while to take on that task.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
You stop breathing while you listen to them.
The Sun (2010)
So in a little while they became great friends.
Charles Kingsley The Water Babies (1863)
But once in a while one comes along that drills itself so far into your head you cannot forget it.
The Sun (2014)
Let's keep on talking about the bad things for a while.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
While this promise may have been rash, it is clearly one to which he feels beholden.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Yes, it took a while and the first half was not great.
The Sun (2014)
While two different cancers may share many features, none are identical.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
It has taken a while, to be fair.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
For while objects may document history, people make it compelling.
The Times Literary Supplement (2010)
I mentioned the harmonica a while ago.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
I have to think about things for a while.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Unlike items bought with a loan or credit card, you cannot sell or dispose of the goods while making payments.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
But while high is good, higher isn't always better.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
First, while he may seem invisible, he is far from inconsequential.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
In other languages
British English: while /waɪl/ CONJUNCTION
If one thing happens while another thing is happening, the two things are happening at the same time.
She goes to work while her children are at school.
American English: while
Arabic: بَيْنَما
Brazilian Portuguese: enquanto
Chinese: 虽然
Croatian: dok
Czech: když
Danish: mens
Dutch: terwijl
European Spanish: mientras
Finnish: sillä aikaa kun
French: pendant que
German: während
Greek: ενώ
Italian: mentre
Japanese: ・・・する間
Korean: ...하는 동안에
Norwegian: så lenge
Polish: podczas, gdy
European Portuguese: enquanto
Romanian: în timp ce
Russian: пока
Latin American Spanish: mientras
Swedish: medan
Thai: ขณะที่
Turkish: iken
Ukrainian: тим часом
Vietnamese: trong khi
British English: while /waɪl/ NOUN
A while is a period of time.
They walked in silence for a while.
American English: while
Arabic: فَتْرَة
Brazilian Portuguese: momento
Chinese: 一会儿
Croatian: neko vrijeme
Czech: chvíle
Danish: tid
Dutch: tijdje
European Spanish: rato
Finnish: ajanjakso
French: moment
German: Weile
Greek: χρονικό διάστημα
Italian: tempo
Japanese: 間
Korean: 잠시
Norwegian: stund
Polish: chwila
European Portuguese: momento
Romanian: perioadă
Russian: время
Latin American Spanish: rato
Swedish: stund
Thai: ชั่วขณะหนึ่ง
Turkish: sırada
Ukrainian: деякий час
Vietnamese: khoảng thời gian
All related terms of 'while'
the while
at that time
short while
A while is a period of time.
while away
If you while away the time in a particular way, you spend time in that way, because you are waiting for something else to happen , or because you have nothing else to do.
in a while
You use all the while in order to say that something happens continually or that it happens throughout the time when something else is happening .
any of the climbing palms of the genus Calamus and related genera, having tough stems used for wickerwork and canes
all the while
You use all the while in order to say that something happens continually or that it happens throughout the time when something else is happening .
once in a while
If something happens once in a while , it happens sometimes , but not very often.
worth your while
If an action or activity is worth someone's while , it will be helpful , useful , or enjoyable for them if they do it, even though it requires some effort .
worth someone's while
worth someone's time, consideration , etc.; profitable in some way
fiddle while Rome burns
If you say that someone is fiddling while Rome burns , you mean that they are not dealing with a difficult or dangerous situation but instead are doing useless things or pretending that nothing is wrong .
while the going is good
If you say that someone should do something while the going is good , you are advising them to do it while things are going well and they still have the opportunity , because you think it will become much more difficult to do.
while-you-wait heel repairs
repairs to damaged heels of footwear , carried out while the customer waits
make hay while the sun shines
to take advantage of a good situation which is not likely to last
strike while the iron is hot
to act immediately, while you have the best chance of succeeding at something
MWD is a system of taking measurements while drilling downhole.
make hay/make hay while the sun shines
If you say that someone is making hay or is making hay while the sun shines , you mean that they are taking advantage of a situation that is favourable to them while they have the chance to.
LWD tools
LWD tools are tools which have sensors to record information about rock formation during drilling .
Chinese translation of 'while'
一会(會)儿(兒) (yīhuìr)
⇒ a book that I read a little while ago我不久前刚看的一本书 (wǒ bùjiǔ qián gāng kàn de yī běn shū)
(= at the same time as) 当(當) ... 的时(時)候 (dāng ... de shíhou)
⇒ While I was in London she was in Paris.当我在伦敦的时候,她在巴黎。 (Dāng wǒ zài Lúndūn de shíhou, tā zài Bālí.)
(= during the time that) 在 ... 时(時) (zài ... shí)
⇒ Someone opened the door while he was making his speech.在他演讲时有人打开了门。 (Zài tā yǎnjiǎng shí yǒu rén dǎkāile mén.)
(= although) 虽(雖)然 (suīrán)
⇒ While I'm very fond of him, I don't actually want to marry him.虽然我很喜欢他,但我真的不想嫁给他。 (Suīrán wǒ hěn xǐhuan tā, dàn wǒ zhēnde bùxiǎng jiàgěi tā.)
(= but) 而 (ér)
⇒ The first two services are free, while the third costs £35.头两次服务是免费的,而第3次要花费35镑。 (Tóu liǎng cì fúwù shì miǎnfèi de, ér dì sān cì yào huāfèi sānshíwǔ bàng.)
for a while有一会(會)儿(兒) (yǒu yīhuìr)
in a while过(過)一会(會)儿(兒) (guò yīhuìr)
all the while一直 (yīzhí)
All related terms of 'while'
while away
消磨 xiāomó ⇒ They whiled away the hours telling stories. → 他们以讲故事消磨时间。 Tāmen yǐ jiǎng gùshi xiāomó shíjiān.
for a while
有一会(會)儿(兒) yǒu yīhuìr
in a while
过(過)一会(會)儿(兒) guò yīhuìr
all the while
一直 yīzhí
a good while ago
很久以前 hěn jiǔ yǐqián
once in a while
偶尔(爾) ǒu'ěr
"repairs while you wait"
"修补(補),立等可取" "xiūbǔ, lì děng kě qǔ"
while the going is good
趁情况(況)顺(順)利时(時) chèn qíngkuàng shùnlì shí
some people hate fish, while others love it
有些人讨(討)厌(厭)鱼(魚),而有些人喜欢(歡) yǒuxiē rén tǎoyàn yú, ér yǒuxiē rén xǐhuan
it would be worth your while to do something about the problem
花工夫处(處)理这(這)个(個)问(問)题(題)是值得的 huā gōngfu chǔlǐ zhège wèntí shì zhídé de
at the same time that
Her parents look after her daughter while she works.