If you describe a person or thing as a Trojan horse, you mean that they are being used to hide someone's true purpose or intentions.
They claim he is a Trojan horse being used by the party bosses attempting to stealthe nomination.
Both factions accused each other of using the organization as a Trojan horse to advancetheir causes.
[Also + for/of]
2. countable noun
A Trojan horse the same as a trojan.
The fake text message cons users into downloading a Trojan horse that will take overtheir phone.
Trojan Horse in British English
1. Also called: the Wooden Horse Greek mythology
the huge wooden hollow figure of a horse left outside Troy by the Greeks when they feigned retreat and dragged inside by the Trojans. The men concealed inside it opened the city to the final Greek assault
a trap intended to undermine an enemy
3. computing
a bug inserted into a program or system designed to be activated after a certain time or a certain number of operations
Trojan horse in American English
1. Greek Legend
in the Trojan War, a huge, hollow wooden horse with Greek soldiers hidden inside that is left at the gates of Troy: the Trojans bring it into the city, thinking it a gift, and the soldiers creep out and open the gates to the rest of the Greek army, which destroys the city
any person, group, or thing that seeks to subvert a nation, organization, etc. from within
a computer program run or downloaded to carry out a legitimate function, that also contains hidden instructions for an unauthorized, disruptive operation