Sr is a written abbreviation for senior, and is written after a man's name. It is used in order to distinguish a man from his son when they both have the same name.
...Donald Cunningham, Sr.
sr in British English1
symbol for
steradian in British English1
an SI unit of solid angle; the angle that, having its vertex in the centre of a sphere, cuts off an area of the surface of the sphere equal to the square of the length of the radius
Symbol: sr
sr in British English2
the internet domain name for
Suriname in British English2
(ˌsʊərɪˈnæm) or Surinam
a republic in NE South America, on the Atlantic: became a self-governing part of the Netherlands in 1954 and fully independent in 1975. Official language: Dutch; English is also widely spoken. Religion: Hindu, Christian, and Muslim. Currency: Surinamese dollar. Capital: Paramaribo. Pop: 563 402 (2017 est). Area: 163 820 sq km (63 251 sq miles)