In all patients the plicature in the interventricular septum was done.
Mário Issa, Antoninho S Arnoni, Paulo Chaccur, Jarbas J Dinkhuysen, Camilo AbdulmassihNeto, Luiz Carlos Bento de Souza, Paulo P Paulista 1996, 'Fatores que influenciam a mortalidade hospitalar na cirurgia de correção de aneurismado ventrículo esquerdo Predictor factors on the hospitalar mortality in the left ventricularaneurysm: surgical procedure', Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The use of a surgical treatment was decided and the technique of diaphragmatic plicature was implemented.
Carlos Osorio Gómez, Carlos Santana Santana, Álvaro L. Lagomasino Hidalgo, Jorge MéndezMartínez, Yolepsis F. Quintero Fleites, Noel L. Castillo García, Gustavo BermúdezYera 2009, 'PLICATURA DIAFRAGMÁTICA EN PACIENTE CON PARÁLISIS DEL HEMIDIAFRAGMA DERECHO TRAS CIRUGÍACARDÍACA / Diaphragmatic plicature in a patient presenting a paralysis of the righthemidiaphragm after cardiac surgery', CorSalud Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In 13 patients associated procedures were performed: myocardial revascularization (9), left ventricle plicature repair (3) and aortic prosthese implantation (1).
Buffolo Enio, Paula Ivan Antonio Machado de, Palma Honório, Branco João Nelson Rodrigues 2000, 'A new surgical approach for treating dilated cardiomyopathy with mitral regurgitation',Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (