Peripheral artery function can be non-invasively evaluated by impedance plethysmography.
Valentinuzzi Max E, Herrera Myriam C, Treo Ernesto F 2005, 'Algorithm for identifying and separating beats from arterial pulse records', BioMedical Engineering OnLine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Systolic blood pressure was measured by non-invasive plethysmography.
Miroslava Majzúnová, Zuzana Pakanová, Peter Kvasnička, Peter Bališ, Soňa Čačányiová,Ima Dovinová 2017, 'Age-dependent redox status in the brain stem of NO-deficient hypertensive rats', Journal of Biomedical Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This study aimed to evaluate changes in measures of gas trapping by body plethysmography.
David Langton, Alvin Ing, Kim Bennetts, Wei Wang, Claude Farah, Matthew Peters, VirginiaPlummer, Francis Thien 2018, 'Bronchial thermoplasty reduces gas trapping in severe asthma', BMC Pulmonary Medicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Blood pressure was measured by tail cuff plethysmography system.
Thangarasu Silambarasan, Jeganathan Manivannan, Mani Krishna Priya, Natarajan Suganya,Suvro Chatterjee, Boobalan Raja 2014, 'Sinapic acid prevents hypertension and cardiovascular remodeling in pharmacologicalmodel of nitric oxide inhibited rats.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Blood pressure was measured by tail-cuff plethysmography.
Zemančíková Anna, Török Jozef 2014, 'Cardiovascular effects of high-fructose intake in rats with nitric oxide deficiency',Interdisciplinary Toxicology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Respiratory inductive plethysmography was used in order to measure respiratory variables and thoracoabdominal motion.
Georgia Miranda Tomich, Danielle Corrêa França, Marco Túlio Costa Diniz, Raquel RodriguesBritto, Rosana Ferreira Sampaio, Verônica Franco Parreira 2010, 'Effects of breathing exercises on breathing pattern and thoracoabdominal motion aftergastroplasty Efeitos de exercícios respiratórios sobre o padrão respiratório e movimentotoracoabdominal após gastroplastia', Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A significant restrictive ventilation disorder was noted on plethysmography.
T A Bley, C J François 2010, 'Amiodarone pneumonitis', Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The pressor effect of cadmium was followed throughout the exposure period by tail plethysmography.
Camila C P Almenara, Gilson B Broseghini-Filho, Marcus V A Vescovi, Jhuli K Angeli,Thaís de O Faria, Ivanita Stefanon, Dalton V Vassallo, Alessandra S Padilha 2013, 'Chronic cadmium treatment promotes oxidative stress and endothelial damage in isolatedrat aorta.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (