a county of S England, on the English Channel: crossed by the Hampshire Downs and the South Downs, with the New Forest in the southwest and many prehistoric and Roman remains: the geographical and ceremonial county includes Portsmouth and Southampton, which became independent unitary authorities in 1997. Administrative centre: Winchester. Pop (excluding unitary authorities): 1 251 000 (2003 est). Area (excluding unitary authorities):3679 sq km (1420 sq miles)
Abbreviation: Hants
Hampshire in British English2
Sir Stuart. 1914–2004, British philosopher: his publications include Thought and Action (1959), Two Theories of Morality (1977), and Innocence and Experience (1989)
Hampshire in American English
(ˈhæmpʃɪr; ˈhæmʃɪr)
county on the S coast of England: 1,459 sq mi (3,779 sq km); pop. 1,542,000
former county of England including present-day Hampshire & the Isle of Wight