Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense squares, present participle squaring, past tense, past participle squared
1. countable noun
A square is a shape with four sides that are all the same length and four corners that are all right angles.
Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares.
There was a calendar on the wall, with large squares around the dates.
Most of the rugs are simple cotton squares.
2. countable noun
In a town or city, a square is a flat open place, often in the shape of a square.
The house is located in one of Pimlico's prettiest garden squares.
The town centre is thick with churches and cafe-lined squares.
...St Mark's Square.
Synonyms: town square, close, quad, market square More Synonyms of square
3. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
Something that is square has a shape the same as a square or similar to a square.
Round tables seat more people in the same space as a square table.
His finger nails were square and cut neatly across.
Synonyms: straight, rectangular, oblong, at right angles More Synonyms of square
4. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Square is used before units of length when referring to the area of something. For example, if something is three metres long and two metres wide, its area is six square metres.
Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space.
The Philippines has just 6,000 square kilometres of forest left.
5. adjective
Square is used after units of length when you are giving the length of each side of somethingthat is square in shape.
...a linen cushion cover, 45 cm square.
...two pieces of wood 4 inches square.
6. verb
To square a number means to multiply it by itself. For example, 3 squared is 3 x 3, or 9. 3 squared is usually written as 3².
Take the time in seconds, square it, and multiply by 5.12. [VERB noun]
A squared plus B squared equals C squared. [VERB-ed]
7. countable noun [usually with poss]
The squareof a number is the number produced when you multiply that number by itself. For example,the square of 3 is 9.
...the square of the speed of light, an exceedingly large number.
8. verb
If you square two different ideas or actions with each other or if they square with each other, they fit or match each other.
That explanation squares with the facts, doesn't it. [VERB + with]
He set out to square his dreams with reality. [VERB noun + with]
9. verb
If you square something with someone, you ask their permission or check with them that what you are doing is acceptable to them.
I squared it with Dan, who said it was all right. [VERB noun with noun]
She should have squared things with Jay before she went into this business with Walker. [VERB noun + with]
10. See also squared, squarely
See square the circle
See back to square one
See a square peg in a round hole
14. fair and square
Phrasal verbs:
See square away
See square off
See square up
More Synonyms of square
square in British English
a plane geometric figure having four equal sides and four right angles
Compare rectangle, rhombus
any object, part, or arrangement having this or a similar shape
a square of carpet
a square on a chessboard
3. (capital when part of name)
an open area in a town, sometimes including the surrounding buildings, which may forma square
4. mathematics
the product of two equal factors; the second power
9 is the square of 3, written 32
an instrument having two strips of wood, metal, etc, set in the shape of a T or L, used for constructing or testing right angles
6. cricket
the closely-cut area in the middle of a ground on which wickets are prepared
a body of soldiers drawn up in the form of a square
8. rowing
the position of the blade of an oar perpendicular to the surface of the water just before and during a stroke
9. informal
a person who is old-fashioned in views, customs, appearance, etc
10. astrology
an aspect of about 90° between two planets, etc
conjunction (sense 5), opposition (sense 9), trine (sense 1)
11. obsolete
a standard, pattern, or rule
12. back to square one
13. on the square
14. out of square
being a square in shape
having or forming one or more right angles or being at right angles to something
square or rectangular in section
a square bar
a. (prenominal)
denoting a measure of area of any shape
a circle of four square feet
b. (immediately postpositive)
denoting a square having a specified length on each side
a board four feet square contains 16 square feet
fair and honest (esp in the phrase a square deal)
straight, even, or level
a square surface
21. cricket
at right angles to the wicket
square leg
22. sport
in a straight line across the pitch
a square pass
23. nautical
(of the sails of a square-rigger) set at right angles to the keel
24. informal
old-fashioned in views, customs, appearance, etc
stocky or sturdy
square shoulders
26. (postpositive)
having no remaining debts or accounts to be settled
(of a horse's gait) sound, steady, or regular
28. (prenominal)
unequivocal or straightforward
a square contradiction
29. (postpositive)
neat and tidy
30. mathematics
(of a matrix) having the same number of rows and columns
31. all square
32. square peg
verb(mainly tr)
to make into a square or similar shape
34. mathematics
to raise (a number or quantity) to the second power
to test or adjust for deviation with respect to a right angle, plane surface, etc
36. (sometimes foll by off)
to divide into squares
to position so as to be rectangular, straight, or level
square the shoulders
38. (sometimes foll by up)
to settle (debts, accounts, etc)
to level (the score) in a game, etc
40. (also intr; often foll bywith)
to agree or cause to agree
your ideas don't square with mine
41. rowing
to turn (an oar) perpendicular to the surface of the water just before commencing a stroke
(in canoeing) to turn (a paddle) perpendicular to the direction of the canoe at the commencement of a stroke
Compare feather (sense 16)
to arrange (something), esp by a corrupt method or come to an arrangement with (someone), as by bribery
44. square the circle
in order to be square
at right angles
47. sport
in a straight line across the pitch
pass the ball square
48. informal
Derived forms
squareness (ˈsquareness)
squarer (ˈsquarer)
squarish (ˈsquarish)
Word origin
C13: from Old French esquare, from Vulgar Latin exquadra (unattested), from Latin ex1 + quadrāre to make square; see quadrant
square in American English
a plane figure having four equal sides and four right angles
anything having or approximating this shape
a square of cloth
any of the spaces on a board for chess, checkers, etc.
3. US
block (sense 11)
an open area bounded by, or at the intersection of, several streets, usually used as a park, plaza, etc.
buildings surrounding such an area
an instrument having two sides that form an angle of 90 degrees, used for drawing or testing right angles
a solid piece with at least one face that is a square
to cut a cake into squares
the product of a number or quantity multiplied by itself
9 is the square of 3
8. US, Informal
a square meal
three squares a day
see also square (sense 32)
9. US, Slang
a person who is square (sense 33)
verb transitiveWord forms: squared or ˈsquaring
to make into a square; make square
to make into any rectangle
to test or adjust with regard to straightness or evenness
to square a surface with a straightedge
to bring to or near to the form of a right angle
to square one's shoulders
to settle; adjust; make right or even
to square accounts
to adjust or settle the accounts of
to square oneself with another
to make equal
to square the score of a game
to bring into agreement; make conform
to square a statement with the facts
to mark off (a surface) in a series of connected squares
to bring into the correct position, as with reference to a line, course, etc.
to multiply (a number or quantity) by itself
to determine the square that is equal in area to (a figure)
20. Slang, Obsolete
to bribe
verb intransitive
to fit; agree; accord (with)
adjectiveWord forms: ˈsquarer or ˈsquarest
having four equal sides and four right angles
more or less cubical; rectangular and three-dimensional, as a box
forming a right angle, or having a rectangular part or parts
correctly adjusted or positioned; straight, level, even, etc.
leaving no balance; balanced; even
even in score; tied
just; fair; honest
clear; direct; straightforward; unequivocal
a square refusal
designating or of a unit of surface measure in the form of a square having sides of a specifiedlength
given or stated in terms of such surface measure
having a shape broad for its length or height, with a solid, sturdy appearance, and somewhat rectangular or rectilinear
a square jaw
square or rectangular in cross section, as some files
designating a number that is the product of another number multiplied by itself
32. US, Informal
satisfying; solid; substantial
a square meal
33. US, Slang
not conversant with the current fads, styles, slang, etc.; old-fashioned, unsophisticated, conservative, etc.
34. Nautical
at right angles to the keel and mast, as the yards of a square-rigged ship
adverbWord forms: ˈsquarer or ˈsquarest
honestly; fairly; justly
so as to be or form a square; at right angles
directly; exactly
so as to face
firmly; solidly
on the square
out of square
square away
square off
square oneself
square the circle
square up
Derived forms
squarely (ˈsquarely)
squareness (ˈsquareness)
Word origin
ME < OFr esquarre < VL *exquadra < *exquadrare, to make square < L ex, out + quadrare, to square < quadrus, a square < base of quattuor, four
The combined shape resembles a gigantic set square.
The Times Literary Supplement (2013)
It is in fact the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Then move on to square number two and repeat.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
These are usually either white or clear plastic and are normally square in shape.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Four square miles of the city were totally destroyed on that terrible day.
Grenville, J. A. S. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century (1994)
We sat around a fairly small square table.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The round pegs in the square holes.
Christianity Today (2000)
Roll the pastry into a square and cut out eight rectangles.
The Sun (2015)
Fold the four edges of the pancake inwards to make a square.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The wind rattles through the chestnuts at deep square leg.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Most came from two stands square on each side of the ground.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Coffee on the square next to the cathedral.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
There were too many square pegs in rounds holes.
The Sun (2011)
Suddenly she had squared the match and had both the momentum and the crowd behind her.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Lay each opened fillet in the centre of a square of clingfilm.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Then we came into the town square.
Ben Nimmo IN FORKBEARD'S WAKE: Coasting Round Scandinavia (2003)
Leicester then elected not to kick a penalty that could have squared the game and failed to secure a try.
The Sun (2008)
Use a set square so the lines will be at right angles to the blind edge and parallel to the blind top.
Churchill, Jane (ed.) Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings (1993)
That square is not just cosmetic, it is an aiming tool.
The Sun (2012)
The roofs are fitted with 35 square metres of solar panels.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
In other languages
British English: square /skwɛə/ ADJECTIVE
If something is square, it has a shape similar to a square.
...a square table.
American English: square
Arabic: مُرَبَّع
Brazilian Portuguese: quadrado
Chinese: 方形的
Croatian: četvrtast
Czech: čtvercový
Danish: kvadratisk
Dutch: vierkant
European Spanish: cuadrado
Finnish: neliömäinen
French: carré
German: quadratisch
Greek: τετράγωνος
Italian: quadrato
Japanese: 正方形の
Korean: 정사각형의
Norwegian: firkantet
Polish: kwadratowy
European Portuguese: quadrado
Romanian: pătrat
Russian: квадратный
Latin American Spanish: cuadrado
Swedish: fyrkantig
Thai: เป็นสี่เหลี่ยม
Turkish: kare
Ukrainian: квадратний
Vietnamese: vuông
British English: square /skwɛə/ NOUN
A square is a shape with four sides of the same length and four corners that are all right angles.
Cut the cake into squares.
American English: square
Arabic: مُرَبَّع
Brazilian Portuguese: quadrado
Chinese: 正方形
Croatian: kvadrat
Czech: čtverec
Danish: firkant
Dutch: vierkant
European Spanish: cuadrado
Finnish: neliö
French: carré
German: Quadrat
Greek: τετράγωνο
Italian: quadrato
Japanese: 正方形
Korean: 정사각형
Norwegian: firkant
Polish: kwadrat
European Portuguese: quadrado
Romanian: pătrat
Russian: квадрат
Latin American Spanish: cuadrado
Swedish: fyrkant
Thai: สี่เหลี่ยมจัตุรัส
Turkish: kare
Ukrainian: квадрат
Vietnamese: hình vuông
British English: square VERB
To square a number means to multiply it by itself.
Take the time in seconds, square it, and multiply by 5.12.
American English: square
Brazilian Portuguese: elevar
Chinese: 乘二次方
European Spanish: elevar al cuadrado
French: élever au carré
German: quadrieren
Italian: elevare al quadrato
Japanese: 2乗する
Korean: 제곱하다
European Portuguese: elevar
Latin American Spanish: elevar al cuadrado
All related terms of 'square'
square go
a fair fight between two individuals
square up
If you square up to a problem, person, or situation, you accept that you have to deal with them and take action to do so.
a T-shaped ruler used in mechanical drawing , consisting of a short crosspiece , which slides along the edge of the drawing board , and a long horizontal piece: used for drawing horizontal lines and to support set squares when drawing vertical and inclined lines
all square
mutually clear of all debts or obligations
an inferential statistic common in survey research
To stand four-square behind someone or something means to be firm in your support of that person or thing.
Red Square
a large square in central Moscow , Russia, bordered by the Kremlin and Lenin's tomb , which was the site of military parades on public holidays in the former Soviet Union
set square
a thin flat piece of plastic , metal, etc, in the shape of a right-angled triangle , used in technical drawing
square away
If you square something or someone away , you deal with them so that the situation is satisfactory .
cut so as to be rectangular , straight , or level
square deal
any dealing that is honest and fair
square foot
a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one foot on each side; 0.0929 square meters
square inch
a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one inch on each side; 6.452 square centimeters
square knot
a double knot in which the free ends run parallel to the standing parts
square leg
a fielding position on the on side approximately at right angles to the batsman
square meal
A square meal is a meal which is big enough to satisfy you.
Square Mile
The Square Mile is the part of London where many important financial institutions have their main offices .
square off
If you square something off , you alter it so that it has the shape of a square.
square one
the point from which someone or something started
square peg
a person or thing that is a misfit , such as an employee in a job for which he or she is unsuited
square root
The square root of a number is another number which produces the first number when it is multiplied by itself. For example , the square root of 16 is 4.
square sail
a rectangular or square sail set on a horizontal yard rigged more or less athwartships
square tin
a medium-sized loaf having a crusty top, baked in a tin with a square base
with the toes squared off
square wave
an oscillation , for example in voltage pulse , that alternates between two fixed values with a negligible transition time between the two, giving a rectangular waveform
square yard
a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one yard on each side; 0.8361 square meters
a T-shaped ruler used in mechanical drawing , consisting of a short crosspiece , which slides along the edge of the drawing board , and a long horizontal piece: used for drawing horizontal lines and to support set squares when drawing vertical and inclined lines
try square
a device for testing or laying out right angles , usually consisting of a metal blade fixed at right angles to a wooden handle
word square
a puzzle in which the player must fill a square grid with words that read the same across as down
bevel square
a woodworker's square with an adjustable arm that can be set to mark out an angle or to check the slope of a surface
Latin square
(in statistical analysis ) one of a set of square arrays of n rows and columns , esp as used in statistics and studied in combinatorial analysis, built up from n different symbols so that no symbol occurs more than once in any row or column
magic square
a square array of rows of integers arranged so that the sum of the integers is the same when taken vertically, horizontally, or diagonally
market square
a square in a village , town, etc in which a market is, or was formerly, held
miter square
a tool used to mark out angles for miter joints , with two blades set at a 45° angle or adjustable to any angle
mitre square
a tool with two blades that are at a fixed angle to one another, used to bevel a mitre joint
sturdy and strong-looking
square dance
A square dance is a traditional American dance in which sets of four couples dance together , forming a square at the beginning of the dance.
having a front shaped so as to be square or rectangular
having a regular, approximately rectangular jaw
square matrix
a matrix in which the number of rows is equal to the number of columns
square meter
a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one meter on each side
square number
an integer , such as 1, 4, 9, or 16, that is the square of an integer
square piano
an obsolete form of piano , horizontally strung and with an oblong frame
A square-rigged sailing ship has large square sails.
a square-rigged ship
Tahrir Square
a large square in central Cairo , in Egypt . The name, meaning ‘ liberation ’, was used informally after the 1919 revolution and then officially after the 1952 revolution. Scene of mass demonstrations in 2011 against the government of president Hosni Mubarak
having a cross section that is an equilateral triangle
Times Square
a square formed by the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue in New York City, extending from 42nd to 45th Street
barrack square
an open area near a military barracks where drills are performed
perfect square
a quantity which is the exact square of another quantity; e. g ., 25 is a perfect square of 5, x 2 +2xy+ y 2 of (x+y)
Chinese translation of 'square'
正方形 (zhèngfāngxíng) (个(個), gè)
(in town) 广(廣)场(場) (guǎngchǎng) (个(個), gè)
(Math) 平方 (píngfāng) (个(個), gè)
(US, = block of houses) 街区(區) (jiēqū)
(inf, o.f., = person) 老古板 (lǎogǔbǎn)
(in shape) 正方形的 (zhèngfāngxíng de)
(Math) 使自乘 (shǐ zìchéng)
(= arrange) 调(調)正 (tiáozhèng)
to square sth with sth使某事与(與)某事一致 (shǐ mǒushì yǔ mǒushì yīzhì)
to square sth with sb (inf) 就某事获(獲)得某人的许(許)可 (jiù mǒushì huòdé mǒurén de xǔkě)
to square with符合 (fúhé)
we're back to square one我们(們)又得从(從)头(頭)来(來)过(過) (wǒmen yòu děi cóngtóu lái guò)
to be all square (inf)[people]扯平 (chěpíng) [match]打平 (dǎpíng)
a square meal一顿(頓)丰(豐)盛的饭(飯)菜 (yī dùn fēngshèng de fàncài)
2 metres square2米见(見)方 (liǎng mǐ jiànfāng)
2 square metres2平方米 (èr píngfāngmǐ)
All related terms of 'square'
( in addresses square 广(廣)场(場) guǎngchǎng
square up
( settle bill, debt ) 结(結)清 jiéqīng
square root
平方根 píngfānggēn
a square meal
一顿(頓)丰(豐)盛的饭(飯)菜 yī dùn fēngshèng de fàncài
2 metres square
2米见(見)方 liǎng mǐ jiànfāng
2 square metres
2平方米 èr píngfāngmǐ
to square with
符合 fúhé
to be all square
( inf : people ) 扯平 chěpíng
to square up with sb
和某人结(結)清账(賬) hé mǒurén jiéqīng zhàng
to square sth with sb
( inf ) 就某事获(獲)得某人的许(許)可 jiù mǒushì huòdé mǒurén de xǔkě