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View usage for: (traɪʌmf) Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense triumphs, present participle triumphing, past tense, past participle triumphed1. variable nounA triumph is a great success or achievement, often one that has been gained with a lot of skill or effort. The championships proved to be a personal triumph for the coach. [+ for] Cataract operations are a triumph of modern surgery. [+ of] In the moment of triumph I felt uneasy. Synonyms: success, victory, accomplishment, mastery More Synonyms of triumph 2. uncountable nounTriumph is a feeling of great satisfaction and pride resulting from a success or victory. Her sense of triumph was short-lived. He was laughing with triumph. Synonyms: joy, pride, happiness, rejoicing More Synonyms of triumph 3. verbIf someone or something triumphs, they gain complete success, control, or victory, often after a long or difficult struggle. All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed. [VERB] The whole world looked to her as a symbol of good triumphing over evil. [VERB + over] Synonyms: succeed, win, overcome, prevail More Synonyms of triumph More Synonyms of triumph triumph in British English (ˈtraɪəmf) noun1. the feeling of exultation and happiness derived from a victory or major achievement 2. the act or condition of being victorious; victory 3. (in ancient Rome) a ritual procession to the Capitoline Hill held in honour of a victorious general 4. obsolete a public display or celebration 5. cards an obsolete word for trump1 verb (intransitive)6. (often foll by over) to win a victory or control to triumph over one's weaknesses 7. to rejoice over a victory 8. to celebrate a Roman triumph Derived forms triumpher (ˈtriumpher) noun Word origin C14: from Old French triumphe, from Latin triumphus, from Old Latin triumpus; probably related to Greek thriambos Bacchic hymn triumph in American English (ˈtraɪəmf) noun1. in ancient Rome, a procession celebrating the return of a victorious general and his army 2. the act or fact of being victorious; victory; success; achievement 3. exultation or joy over a victory, achievement, etc. 4. Obsolete any public spectacle or celebration verb intransitive5. to gain victory or success; win mastery 6. to rejoice or exult over victory, achievement, etc. 7. to celebrate a Roman triumph SIMILAR WORDS: ˈvictory Word origin ME triumphe < OFr < L triumphus < OL triumpus, akin to Gr thriambos, hymn to Bacchus sung in festal processions Examples of 'triumph' in a sentencetriumph The year has been a coaching and public relations triumph rolled into one.And one by one they triumphed.The news on the news does not triumph the good news!Pat yourself on the back and build on each small success for triumphs to come.It is not a catalogue of famous goals and personal triumphs.One of the great triumphs of pop was that it was more about outfits than counterpoint.This is a triumph of the modern.His life is a triumph of improvisation.They recognised that many wars have to be fought to stop evil from triumphing.Over the past five years we have seen moments of triumph and moments of tragedy.They regarded our victory as a triumph.There cannot be a clearer case of ideology triumphing over common sense.That she managed a solitary clap at the end was a triumph of good manners over sincerity.The law of the jungle often triumphs when larger firms with more clout pay more slowly than smaller firms.These days it tends to be all disaster and tragedy on one hand and triumph and elation on the other.Last night, another memorable triumph against an old enemy was completed.To make the triumph complete, she had depicted all three wolves as having been killed.It is not a monument of Norman triumph or celebration.And talking of money, the judicial robes are another economic triumph.By working together, both sides have secured a major industrial triumph.But the triumph would be short-lived. In other languagestriumph British English: triumph / ˈtraɪəmf/ NOUN A triumph is a great success or achievement. The building is a triumph of modern design. - American English: triumph
- Arabic: اِنْتِصَار
- Brazilian Portuguese: triunfo
- Chinese: 胜利
- Croatian: trijumf
- Czech: triumf
- Danish: triumf
- Dutch: triomf
- European Spanish: triunfo
- Finnish: voitonriemu
- French: triomphe
- German: Triumph
- Greek: θρίαμβος
- Italian: trionfo
- Japanese: 勝利
- Korean: 승리
- Norwegian: triumf
- Polish: triumf
- European Portuguese: triunfo
- Romanian: triumf
- Russian: триумф
- Latin American Spanish: triunfo
- Swedish: triumf
- Thai: ความสำเร็จ
- Turkish: zafer
- Ukrainian: тріумф
- Vietnamese: niềm hân hoan
British English: triumph / ˈtraɪəmf/ VERB If you triumph, you win a victory or succeed in overcoming something. The film is about good triumphing over evil. - American English: triumph
- Arabic: يَنْتَصِرُ
- Brazilian Portuguese: triunfar
- Chinese: 获得胜利
- Croatian: trijumfirati
- Czech: triumfovat
- Danish: triumfere
- Dutch: triomferen
- European Spanish: triunfar
- Finnish: voittaa
- French: triompher
- German: triumphieren
- Greek: θριαμβεύω
- Italian: trionfare
- Japanese: 勝利を収める
- Korean: 승리하다
- Norwegian: triumfere
- Polish: zatriumfować
- European Portuguese: triunfar
- Romanian: a triumfa
- Russian: одержать победу
- Latin American Spanish: triunfar
- Swedish: triumfera
- Thai: ประสบความสำเร็จ
- Turkish: galip gelmek
- Ukrainian: перемагати
- Vietnamese: chiến thắng
Chinese translation of 'triumph' n - (c) (= great achievement)
巨大的成功 (jùdà de chénggōng) (个(個), gè) - (u) (= satisfaction)
得意 (déyì)
vi to triumph (over) [problem, disability etc] 胜(勝)(过(過)) (shèng (guò)) [opponent] 战(戰)胜(勝) (zhànshèng)
Definition an outstanding success, achievement, or victory Cataract operations are a triumph of modern surgery. Synonyms belter (slang) sensation smash hit (informal) tour de force (French) walkover (informal) feather in your cap smasheroo (slang) Opposites defeat , failure , disaster , flop (informal) , catastrophe , fiasco , washout (informal) , clunker (informal) Definition the feeling of great happiness resulting from a victory or major achievement Her sense of triumph was short-lived. Definition to gain control or success a symbol of good triumphing over evil Synonyms best dominate get the better of come out on top (informal) carry the day take the honours Opposites lose , fall , fail, flop (informal) , come a cropper (informal) Definition to rejoice over a victory the euphoria, the sense of triumphing together as a nation Synonyms revel swagger drool jubilate Additional synonymsDefinition something successfully completed The accomplishments of the past year are quite extraordinary. Synonyms achievement, feat, attainment, act, stroke, triumph, coup, exploit, deedDefinition something that has been accomplished by hard work, ability, or heroism a conference celebrating women's achievements Synonyms accomplishment, effort, feat, deed, stroke, triumph, coup, exploit, act, attainment, feather in your cap Definition an achievement or the act of achieving something the attainment of independence Synonyms achievement, getting, winning, reaching, gaining, obtaining, acquisition, feat, completion, reaping, accomplishment, realization, fulfilment, arrival at, procurement, acquirementAdditional synonymsDefinition to hold festivities I was in a mood to celebrate. Synonyms rejoice, party, enjoy yourself, carouse, live it up (informal), whoop it up (informal), make merry, paint the town red (informal), go on a spree, large it (British, slang), put the flags out, roister, kill the fatted calf Definition the act of conquering This hidden treasure charts the brutal Spanish conquest of the Aztecs. Synonyms defeat, victory, triumph, overthrow, pasting (slang), rout, mastery, vanquishment Definition a brilliant and successful action They have scored something of a coup by persuading her to join. Synonyms masterstroke, feat, stunt, action, stroke, exploit, manoeuvre, deed, accomplishment, tour de force, stratagem, stroke of genius Definition to boast about one's superiority Edwards is already crowing over his victory. Synonyms gloat, triumph, boast, swagger, brag, vaunt, bluster, exult, blow your own trumpetDefinition a feeling of great happiness and excitement His supporters have reacted to the news with elation. Synonyms joy, delight, thrill, excitement, ecstasy, bliss, euphoria, glee, rapture, high spirits, exhilaration, jubilation, exaltation, exultation, joyfulness, joyousness She was still exulting over her victory. Synonyms revel, glory in, boast, crow, taunt, brag, vaunt, drool, gloat, take delight in I felt a tremendous sense of relief and exultation. Synonyms joy, delight, celebration, rejoicing, glee, high spirits, elation, transport, jubilation, joyousness, merriness Definition a remarkable, skilful, or daring action an incredible feat of agility Synonyms accomplishment, act, performance, achievement, enterprise, undertaking, exploit, deed, attainment, feather in your cap Definition to be active, successful, or widespread Business soon flourished. Synonyms thrive, increase, develop, advance, abound, progress, boom, bloom, blossom, prosper, burgeonDefinition to regard one's own good fortune or the misfortune of others with smug or malicious pleasure They are gloating over their rivals' defeat. Synonyms relish, triumph, glory, crow, revel in, vaunt, drool, exult, rub your hands Additional synonymsDefinition to take great pleasure in The workers were glorying in their new-found freedom. Synonyms triumph, boast, relish, revel, crow, drool, gloat, exult, take delight, pride yourself I think she was looking for happiness. Synonyms pleasure, delight, joy, cheer, satisfaction, prosperity, ecstasy, enjoyment, bliss, felicity, exuberance, contentment, wellbeing, high spirits, elation, gaiety (old-fashioned), jubilation, merriment, cheerfulness, gladness, beatitude, cheeriness, blessedness, light-heartedness Definition a person or thing that gains wide appeal The song became a massive hit in 1945. Synonyms success, winner, triumph, smash (informal), sensation, sellout, smasheroo (informal) Definition a feeling of great joy and celebration The resignations were greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia. Synonyms joy, triumph, celebration, excitement, ecstasy, jubilee, festivity, elation, jamboree, exultationDefinition complete power or control a region where humans have gained mastery over the major rivers Synonyms control, authority, command, rule, victory, triumph, sway, domination, superiority, conquest, supremacy, dominion, upper hand, ascendancy, pre-eminence, mana (New Zealand), whip hand Definition to defeat (someone) in a conflict the satisfaction of overcoming a rival Synonyms defeat, beat, conquer, master, tank (slang), crush, overwhelm, overthrow, lick (informal), undo, subdue, rout, overpower, quell, triumph over, best, get the better of, trounce, worst, clobber (slang), stuff (slang), vanquish, surmount, subjugate, prevail over, wipe the floor with (informal), make mincemeat of (informal), blow (someone) out of the water (slang), come out on top of (informal), bring (someone) to their knees (informal), render incapable, render powerless, be victorious over, render helpless Definition to overcome (people) with irresistible force One massive assault would overwhelm the weakened enemy. Synonyms destroy, beat, defeat, overcome, smash, crush, massacre, conquer, wipe out, overthrow, knock out, lick (informal), subdue, rout, eradicate, overpower, quell, annihilate, put paid to, vanquish (literary), subjugate, immobilize, make mincemeat of (informal), cut to pieces Definition to prove superior We hoped that common sense would prevail. Synonyms win, succeed, triumph, overcome, overrule, be victorious, carry the day, prove superior, gain mastery Definition satisfaction in one's own or another's success or achievements the sense of pride in a job well done Synonyms satisfaction, achievement, fulfilment, delight, content, pleasure, joy, gratificationDefinition to be successful The high street banks continue to prosper. Synonyms succeed, advance, progress, thrive, make it (informal), flower, get on, do well, flourish, bloom, make good, be fortunate, grow rich, fare well Additional synonymsThere was general rejoicing at the news. Synonyms happiness, delight, joy, triumph, celebration, cheer, festivity, elation, gaiety (old-fashioned), jubilation, revelry, exultation, gladness, merrymakingDefinition a show, record or film which is very popular with the public It is the public who decide if a film is a smash or a flop. Synonyms success, hit, winner, triumph (informal), belter (slang), sensation, smash hit, sellout, smasheroo (informal) Definition to overcome and bring (a person or people) under control by persuasion or force They admit they have not been able to subdue the rebels. Synonyms overcome, defeat, master, break, control, discipline, crush, humble, put down, conquer, tame, overpower, overrun, trample, quell, triumph over, get the better of, vanquish (literary), beat down, get under control, get the upper hand over, gain ascendancy over Definition to grow strongly and vigorously Today his company continues to thrive. Synonyms prosper, do well, flourish, increase, grow, develop, advance, succeed, get on, boom, bloom, wax, burgeon, grow rich, have legs (informal) Definition to defeat (someone) in a battle, contest, or argument a happy ending in which the hero vanquishes the monsters Synonyms defeat, beat, conquer, reduce, stuff (slang), master, tank (slang), overcome, crush, overwhelm, put down, lick (informal), undo, subdue, rout, repress, overpower, quell, triumph over, clobber (slang), subjugate, run rings around (informal), wipe the floor with (informal), blow out of the water (slang), put to flight, get the upper hand over, put to rout Definition success attained in a contest or struggle His players deserved this famous victory. Synonyms win, success, triumph, the prize, superiority, conquest, laurels, mastery, walkover (informal) Our team is confident of winning again this year. Synonyms be victorious, succeed, triumph, overcome, prevail, conquer, come first, finish first, carry the day, sweep the board, take the prize, gain victory, achieve mastery, achieve first place, carry all before you, topscore (informal) |