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View usage for: (heɪl) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense hails, present participle hailing, past tense, past participle hailed1. verb [usually passive]If a person, event, or achievement is hailed as important or successful, they are praised publicly. He has been hailed as the best centreback in the land. [be VERB-ed + as] U.S. magazines hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world. [VERB noun + as] The deal was hailed by the Defence Secretary. [be VERB-ed] [Also be V-ed n ] 2. uncountable nounHail consists of small balls of ice that fall like rain from the sky. ...a sharp short-lived storm with heavy hail. Synonyms: hailstones, sleet, hailstorm, frozen rain More Synonyms of hail 3. verbWhen it hails, hail falls like rain from the sky. It started to hail, huge great stones. [VERB] Synonyms: rain, shower, pelt More Synonyms of hail 4. singular nounA hail of things, usually small objects, is a large number of them that hit you at the same time and with great force. The victim was hit by a hail of bullets. [+ of] The riot police were met with a hail of stones and petrol bombs. Synonyms: shower, rain, storm, battery More Synonyms of hail 5. verbSomeone who hails from a particular place was born there or lives there. [formal] I hail from Brighton. [VERB + from] The band hail from Glasgow. [VERB from noun] 6. verbIf someone or something hails from a particular background, they come from it. [formal] He hails from an affluent background. [VERB from noun] This is a film which seems to hail from the hippie era. [VERB from noun] 7. verbIf you hail someone, you call to them. [literary] Jill saw him and hailed him. [VERB noun] Suddenly, a voice hailed us and there was Miss Quigley. [VERB noun] Synonyms: salute, call, greet, address More Synonyms of hail 8. verbIf you hail a taxi, you wave at it in order to stop it because you want the driver to take you somewhere. I hurried away to hail a taxi. [VERB noun] Synonyms: flag down, summon, signal to, wave down More Synonyms of hail 9. conventionHail is used as a word of greeting. [old-fashioned] Hail to the new champion. More Synonyms of hail hail in British English 1 (heɪl) noun1. small pellets of ice falling from cumulonimbus clouds when there are very strong rising air currents 2. a shower or storm of such pellets 3. words, ideas, etc, directed with force and in great quantity a hail of abuse 4. a collection of objects, esp bullets, spears, etc, directed at someone with violent force verb5. (intr; with it as subject) to be the case that hail is falling 6. (often with it as subject) to fall or cause to fall as or like hail to hail criticism bad language hailed about him Word origin Old English hægl; related to Old Frisian heil, Old High German hagal hail, Greek kakhlēx pebble hail in British English 2 (heɪl) verb (mainly tr)1. to greet, esp enthusiastically the crowd hailed the actress with joy 2. to acclaim or acknowledge they hailed him as their hero 3. to attract the attention of by shouting or gesturing to hail a taxi to hail a passing ship 4. (intransitive; foll by from) to be a native (of); originate (in) she hails from India noun5. the act or an instance of hailing 7. distance across which one can attract attention (esp in the phrase within hail) sentence substitute8. poetic an exclamation of greeting Derived forms hailer (ˈhailer) noun Word origin C12: from Old Norse heill whole; see hale1, wassailhail in American English 1 (heɪl) verb transitive1. to welcome, greet, etc. with or as with cheers; acclaim 2. to name by way of tribute; salute as they hailed him their leader 3. to call out to or signal to, as in summoning or greeting to hail a taxi noun4. the act of hailing or greeting 5. the distance that a shout will carry within hail interjection6. used to signify tribute, greeting, etc. Idioms: hail fellow well met hail from Derived forms hailer (ˈhailer) noun Word origin ME hailen, to salute, greet < hail, heil < ON heill, whole, sound, akin to OE hal (see hale 1, whole): used as a salutation hail in American English 2 (heɪl) noun1. rounded pieces of ice that are larger than 5 mm (.2 in) and sometimes fall during thunderstorms; frozen raindrops; hailstones see also sleet 2. a falling, showering, etc. of hail, or in the manner of hail a hail of bullets verb intransitive3. to drop or pour down hail usually in an impersonal construction it is hailing verb transitive4. to shower, hurl, pour, etc. violently in the manner of hail often with on or upon to hail curses on someone Word origin ME haile < OE hægel, var. of hagol, akin to Ger hagel < IE base * kaghlo-, small pebble > Gr kachlēx © SilverCircle, shutterstock Examples of 'hail' in a sentencehail Unions and politicians last night hailed the deal.As the birds hit the plane, it felt as if we were being pelted by heavy rain or hail.This app lets you hail a taxi with the push of a button.The clause was removed amid a hail of criticism.Theoretically you cannot hail one but it is worth a try!The three were hailed as heroes of the hour.We may also have hail and thunder.Then there was a hail storm that took us off air for a while.The three were last night being hailed as heroes.But as they tried to save his life they were subjected a hail of abuse.So why does hail come in spring?Lawyers at the time hailed the sentence as a sign of the impartiality of the law.And which celeb will be hailing a taxi home?The football world should rise to hail one of the last of its legends.Dry air drawn into the top of a thunderstorm is cooled and dragged down in showers of hail and rain.Education should be the means by which those who hail from diverse backgrounds will become more familiar with each other.The technology will also be used to assess damage caused by hail, birds and other objects.And they faced a hail of criticism last night for lining their pockets at taxpayers' expense.LONDON was brought to a standstill as thousands of fans hailed the champions. Word lists withhail Weather phenomenaBritish English: hail / heɪl/ NOUN Hail consists of tiny balls of ice that fall like rain from the sky. ...a storm with hail. - American English: hail
- Arabic: بَرَد مطر
- Brazilian Portuguese: granizo
- Chinese: 冰雹
- Croatian: tuča
- Czech: kroupy počasí
- Danish: hagl
- Dutch: hagel
- European Spanish: granizo
- Finnish: rakeet
- French: grêle
- German: Hagel
- Greek: χαλάζι
- Italian: grandine
- Japanese: 雹
- Korean: 우박
- Norwegian: hagl
- Polish: grad
- European Portuguese: granizo
- Romanian: grindină
- Russian: град
- Latin American Spanish: granizo
- Swedish: hagel
- Thai: ลูกเห็บ
- Turkish: dolu hava
- Ukrainian: град
- Vietnamese: mưa đá
British English: hail / heɪl/ VERB If a person or event is hailed as important or successful, they are praised publicly. The magazine hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world. - American English: hail
- Arabic: يَهْتِف ب
- Brazilian Portuguese: saudar
- Chinese: 欢呼认可
- Croatian: klicati
- Czech: chválit veřejně
- Danish: hylde
- Dutch: toejuichen
- European Spanish: aclamar
- Finnish: tervehtiä huudahtamalla
- French: grêler
- German: zurufen
- Greek: χαιρετίζω
- Italian: acclamare
- Japanese: 呼び止める
- Korean: 묘사하다
- Norwegian: hagle
- Polish: powitać
- European Portuguese: saudar
- Romanian: a aclama
- Russian: провозглашать
- Latin American Spanish: aclamar
- Swedish: stoppa
- Thai: โห่ร้องอวยชัย
- Turkish: dolu yağmak
- Ukrainian: проголошувати
- Vietnamese: hoan hô
All related terms of 'hail'Chinese translation of 'hail' vt - [taxi]
招手叫停 (zhāoshǒu jiàotíng) - (liter) [person]
招呼 (zhāohu)
vi -
下雹 (xiàbáo) he died in a hail of bullets 他死于(於)一阵(陣)弹(彈)雨 (tā sǐ yú yīzhèn dànyǔ) the meeting was hailed as a triumph 会(會)议(議)被认(認)为(為)是一大成功 (huìyì bèi rènwéi shì yī dà chénggōng) he hails from Scotland 他来(來)自苏(蘇)格兰(蘭) (tā láizì Sūgélán)
Definition small pellets of ice falling from thunderclouds a short-lived storm with heavy hail Synonyms hailstones sleet hailstorm frozen rain Definition words, ideas, missiles, etc., directed with force and in great quantity The soldier managed to dodge a hail of bullets. Synonyms battery bombardment pelting downpour broadside Definition to fall as hail It started to hail, huge great stones. Definition to fall like hail Shellfire was hailing down on the city's edge. Synonyms rain barragerain down on beat down upon Definition to praise, acclaim, or acknowledge She was hailed as the greatest violinist of her generation. Synonyms Opposites condemn , criticize , boo , hiss , jeer Definition to call out to I saw him and hailed him. Synonyms speak to shout to say hello to sing out halloo Opposites cut (informal) , avoid , ignore , snub Definition to stop (a taxi) by shouting or gesturing I hurried away to hail a taxi. Synonyms flag down summon signal to wave down phrasal verbSee hail from somewhereidiomSee hail-fellow-well-metAdditional synonymsDefinition to approach, stop, and speak to I told them that someone had accosted me in the street. Synonyms confront, challenge, address, stop, approach, oppose, halt, greet, hail, buttonholeDefinition to speak to The two ministers did not address each other directly. Synonyms speak to, talk to, greet, hail, salute, invoke, communicate with, accost, approach, converse with, apostrophize, korero (New Zealand) Definition to show approval of by clapping one's hands The audience laughed and applauded. Synonyms clap, encourage, praise, cheer, hail, acclaim, laud (literary), give it up for (slang), give (someone) a big hand |