A plantain is a type of green banana which can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable.
...fried plantain.
2. variable noun
A plantain is a wild plant with broad leaves and a head of tiny green flowers on a long stem.
plantain in British English1
(ˈplæntɪn, -teɪn)
any of various N temperate plants of the genus Plantago, esp P. major (great plantain), which has a rosette of broad leaves and a slender spike of small greenish flowers: family Plantaginaceae
See also ribwort
Word origin
C14 plauntein, from Old French plantein, from Latin plantāgō, from planta sole of the foot
plantain in British English2
(ˈplæntɪn, -teɪn)
a large tropical musaceous plant, Musa paradisiaca
the green-skinned banana-like fruit of this plant, eaten as a staple food in many tropical regions
Word origin
C16: from Spanish platano plantain, plane tree
plantain in American English1
any of a genus (Plantago) of plants of the plantain family, usually with rosettes of basal leaves and spikes of tiny, greenish flowers, including many troublesome weeds
designating a family (Plantaginaceae, order Plantaginales) of dicotyledonous plants
Word origin
OFr < L plantago < planta, sole of the foot (see plant): from the shape of the leaves
plantain in American English2
a hybrid banana plant (Musa × paradisiaca) that is widely cultivated in the Western Hemisphere
the large, firm, curved fruit of this plant: in tropical areas, it is usually cooked while green, beforethe starch has converted into sugar
Word origin
altered (prob. infl. by plantain1) < Sp plátano, banana tree, lit., plane tree (< L platanus: see plane4), prob. misused for native name (as in Carib balatana)
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They fiddled with their coral beads and refused to meet Neil's eyes when he served them their ration of fried plantain and sweet potato.
Ballard, J. G. RUSHING TO PARADISE (2001)
He raised a wedge of plantain to his mouth, thumbing it against the side of his Death Wind.
Gregg Andrew Hurwitz MINUTES TO BURN (2001)
All related terms of 'plantain'
plantain lily
any of several Asian plants of the liliaceous genus Hosta , having broad ribbed leaves and clusters of white, blue, or lilac flowers
great plantain
a N temperate plant, Plantago major , which has a rosette of broad leaves and a slender spike of small greenish flowers: family Plantaginaceae
any brightly coloured crested arboreal African bird of the family Musophagidae: order Cuculiformes ( cuckoos , etc)
water plantain
any of several marsh plants of the genus Alisma , esp A. plantago-aquatica, of N temperate regions and Australia, having clusters of small white or pinkish flowers and broad pointed leaves: family Alismataceae
rattlesnake plantain
any of various small temperate and tropical orchids of the genus Goodyera , having mottled or striped leaves and spikes of yellowish-white flowers
buck's horn plantain
a Eurasian plant, Plantago coronopus , having leaves resembling a buck's horn : family Plantaginaceae