The middle gyri showed no lateralization in females but left-sided dominance in males (0.1%).
Paul M. Macey, Nicholas S. Rieken, Jennifer A. Ogren, Katherine E. Macey, Rajesh Kumar,Ronald M. Harper 2017, 'Sex differences in insular cortex gyri responses to a brief static handgrip challenge',Biology of Sex Differences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Cerebrum was devoid of usual convolutions (elevations), gyri, depressions (grooves), and sulci.
Shailesh Kumar Gupta, Kumaresh Behera, C. R. Pradhan, Arun Kumar Mandal, Kamdev Sethy,Dayanidhi Behera, Kuladip Prakash Shinde 2016, 'Studies of the macroscopic and microscopic morphology (hippocampus) of brain in Vencobbbroiler', Veterinary World Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The stress and strain distributions are changed due to the existence of gyri and sulci.
Xuewei Song, Cong Wang, Hao Hu, Tianlun Huang, Jingxu Jin 2015, 'A Finite Element Study of the Dynamic Response of Brain Based on Two ParasagittalSlice Models', Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Reduction of diffusion anisotropy was found bilaterally in the temporal fusiform and parahippocampal gyri.
Andras Jakab, Miklos Emri, Tamas Spisak, Anita Szeman-Nagy, Monika Beres, Sandor AttilaKis, Peter Molnar, Ervin Berenyi 2013, 'Autistic traits in neurotypical adults: correlates of graph theoretical functionalnetwork topology and white matter anisotropy patterns.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
We will also discuss different possible pathways for obtaining (or losing) gyri.
Iva eKelava, Eric eLewitus, Wieland B eHuttner 2013, 'The secondary loss of gyrencephaly as an example of evolutionary phenotypical reversal',Frontiers in Neuroanatomy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Following practice, sound-induced broad-band power in the left angular gyri increased.
Shennan Aibel Weiss, Danielle S Bassett, Daniel eRubinstein, Tom eHolroyd, Jose eApud,Dwight eDickinson, Richard eCoppola 2011, 'Functional brain network characterization and adaptivity during task practice in healthyvolunteers and people with schizophrenia.', Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This exam revealed right cerebral hemisphere sulci and gyri hypoplasia.
Edward Araujo, Júnior, Tatiana Emy Kawanami, Luciano Marcondes Machado Nardozza, HérbeneJosé Figuinha Milani, Patrícia Soares Oliveira, Antonio Fernandes Moron 2012, 'Prenatal diagnosis of bilateral anophthalmia by 3D “reverse face” view ultrasoundand magnetic resonance imaging', Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Both gyri and sulci were equally affected.
Fabiano J.F. de Sant'Ana, Daniel R. Rissi, Ricardo B. de Lucena, Ricardo A.A. Lemos,Ana Paula A. Nogueira, Claudio S.L. Barros 2009, 'Polioencefalomalacia em bovinos: epidemiologia, sinais clínicos e distribuição daslesões no encéfalo Bovine polioencephalomalacia: epidemiology, clinical signs anddistribution of lesions in the brain', Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Younger individuals had more gyri than the older ones.
Mohammad Ali Atlasi, Maryam Montazeri, Esmaeil Fakharian, Hossein Akbari, Hamid RezaTalari 2017, 'Morphology of Human Insula in Iranian Population and its Relationship with Sex, Age,and Handedness: an Imaging Anatomical Study', Iranian Journal of Neurosurgery Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Moreover, those regions were predominately located in gyri rather than in sulci.
Shimin Yang, Zhongbo Zhao, Han Cui, Tuo Zhang, Lin Zhao, Zhibin He, Huan Liu, LeiGuo, Tianming Liu, Benjamin Becker, Keith M. Kendrick, Xi Jiang 2019, 'Temporal Variability of Cortical Gyral-Sulcal Resting State Functional Activity CorrelatesWith Fluid Intelligence', Frontiers in Neural Circuits Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (