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English translation of '就'


  1. (= 靠近) move close to
    ⇒ 避重就轻 (bì zhòng jiù qīng) evade serious issues and dwell on the trivial
  2. (= 开始) take ... up (pt took) (pp taken)
    ⇒ 就职 (jiùzhí) take up a position
  3. (= 完成) accomplish
  4. (= ) take the opportunity (pt took) (pp taken)
    ⇒ 等你看完了这本书,就手把读后感写完吧。 (Děng nǐ kànwánle zhè běn shū, jiùshǒu bǎ dúhòugǎn xiěwán ba.) You should write the review as soon as you've finished reading the book.
  5. (= 搭配着吃) eat ... with (pt ate) (pp eaten)
    ⇒ 泡菜就稀粥 (pàocài jiù xīzhōu) eat pickles with rice congee

  1. (强调时间短) shortly
    ⇒ 请稍等,我这就做完。 (Qǐng shāo děng, wǒ zhè jiù zuòwán.) Wait a moment, I'll be finished shortly.
  2. (= 早已) already
    ⇒ 他清晨5点就起床了。 (Tā qīngchén wǔ diǎn jiù qǐchuáng le.) He was already up at five in the morning.
  3. (表示紧接着) as soon as
    ⇒ 我一回家就打电话给你。 (Wǒ yī huíjiā jiù dǎ diànhuà gěi nǐ.) I'll call you as soon as I get home.
  4. (表示条件关系) then
    ⇒ 用功点就能考出好成绩。 (Yònggōng diǎn jiù néng kǎochū hǎo chéngjì.) If you put in a bit of work then you'll get good exam results.
  5. (强调数量多) as much as
    ⇒ 他一个月写两篇文章,我一星期就写3篇。 (Tā yī gè yuè xiě liǎng piān wénzhāng, wǒ yī xīngqī jiù xiě sān piān.) He writes two articles a month. I write as many as three a week.
    ⇒ 那么多行李他一人就拎走了。 (Nàme duō xínglǐ tā yī rén jiù līnzǒu le.) He carried all that luggage by himself.
  6. (= 仅仅) only
    ⇒ 就他一人没来。 (Jiù tā yī rén méi lái.) He was the only one who didn't come.
  7. (原本) already
    ⇒ 我就知道他喜欢撒谎。 (Wǒ jiù zhīdào tā xǐhuān sāhuǎng.) I already knew he liked to tell lies.
    ⇒ 裤子本来就小,洗了后更小。 (Kùzi běnlái jiù xiǎo, xǐle hòu gèng xiǎo.) The trousers were already small, and after washing them they got even smaller.
  8. (表示坚决) simply
    ⇒ 我就不信完成不了任务。 (Wǒ jiù bù xìn wánchéng bùliǎo rènwù.) I simply don't believe I can't finish the job.
  9. (强调事实) exactly
    ⇒ 这里就是我童年生活过的地方。 (Zhèlǐ jiù shì wǒ tóngnián shēnghuóguo de dìfang.) This is exactly the place where I spent my childhood.
  10. (= 表示容忍) even though
    ⇒ 衬衫难看就难看些吧,因为便宜,我就买了。 (Chènshān nánkàn jiù nánkàn xiē ba, yīnwèi piányi, wǒ jiù mǎi le.) Even though the shirt wasn't that nice, I bought it because it was cheap.

  1. even if
    ⇒ 你就不来,我也无所谓。 (Nǐ jiù bù lái, wǒ yě wúsuǒwèi.) Even if you don't come, I really don't care.

  1. on
    ⇒ 就贸易争端进行了会谈 (jiù màoyì zhēngduān jìnxíngle huìtán) hold talks on trade disputes

Nearby words of

Related terms of

  • 俯就
  • 将就
  • 就业
  • 就义
  • 就任




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