A planet is a large, round object in space that moves around a star. The Earth is a planet.
The picture shows six of the nine planets in the solar system.
planet in British English
1. Also called: major planet
any of the eight celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, that revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits and are illuminated by light from the sun
2. Also called: extrasolar planet
any other celestial body revolving around a star, illuminated by light from that star
3. astrology
any of the planets of the solar system, excluding the earth but including the sun and moon, each thought to rule one or sometimes two signs of the zodiac
See also house (sense 9)
Word origin
C12: via Old French from Late Latin planēta, from Greek planētēs wanderer, from planaein to wander
planet in American English
1. Obsolete
any of the celestial objects with apparent motion (as distinguished from the apparently still stars), including the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn
now, a large, opaque, nonluminous mass, usually with its own moons, that revolves about a star; esp., one of the sun's nine major planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
see also asteroid
3. Astrology
any celestial body thought of as influencing human lives
Word origin
ME planete < OFr < LL planeta < Gr planētēs, wanderer < planan, to lead astray, wander < IE base *plā-, flat, spread out > plain1
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Experts said we can save the planet if we all go vegetarian.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Some of the biggest stars on the planet are the kindest people you could meet.
The Sun (2016)
Look around and you can see other planets and stars in the galaxy.
The Sun (2016)
The planet you zoom round feels like it is actually there.
The Sun (2016)
They have one of the planet's healthiest diets and the lowest obesity in the world.
The Sun (2016)
But this is the future on planet Earth.
The Sun (2017)
Big plans and bold choices should work out brilliantly now that ruling planet Mars is in your sign.
The Sun (2017)
There is one planet with clouds made of lava, and another where it is thought to rain rubies.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Humans have come to the planet after Earth is destroyed and we need a new place to call home.
The Sun (2016)
So how has the biggest pop star on the planet messed up so badly?
The Sun (2016)
Do the whole planet in one go.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
People like that were on another planet.
The Sun (2010)
The constant exhortations to protect animals and save the planet.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
We are going to the moon and the planets.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
She claims that international laws forbid people from owning planets but not stars.
The Sun (2010)
The trial was to discover how astronauts control remote systems on other planets.
The Sun (2016)
Now they are taking the genre to another planet.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
The attempt to persuade people that they have a duty to save the planet is not working.
The Times Literary Supplement (2012)
There may well be more habitable moons than planets in the cosmos.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
But now we have not just one lonely planet around such a faint red star but a complete system of three planets.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You're bound to this planet by space and time.
Christianity Today (2000)
Your ruling planet Mercury visits the friendliest part of your chart and people really warm to you.
The Sun (2010)
The product you crave is destroying planet Earth.
The Sun (2012)
Well, consider not just the number of stars and planets but the immense distances between them.
The Sun (2009)
One instrument will measure the gravity to see if there is a rocky planet like Earth hidden within.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
And I go round this planet to do a kind of archeology of that time.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
OVER the last 50 years we have taken a series of beautiful pictures of our home planet from space.
The Sun (2010)
Like Earth, the planet is thought to be rocky and have a benign atmosphere.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
I have followed the England cricket team halfway round the planet, this back end.
The Sun (2014)
In other languages
British English: planet /ˈplænɪt/ NOUN
A planet is a large, round object in space that moves around a star. The Earth is a planet.
...the planets in the solar system.
American English: planet
Arabic: كَوكَب
Brazilian Portuguese: planeta
Chinese: 星球
Croatian: planet
Czech: planeta
Danish: planet
Dutch: planeet
European Spanish: planeta
Finnish: planeetta
French: planète
German: Planet
Greek: πλανήτης
Italian: pianeta
Japanese: 惑星
Korean: 행성
Norwegian: planet
Polish: planeta
European Portuguese: planeta
Romanian: planetă
Russian: планета
Latin American Spanish: planeta
Swedish: planet
Thai: ดาวเคราะห์เก้าดวง
Turkish: gezegen
Ukrainian: планета
Vietnamese: hành tinh
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All related terms of 'planet'
planet Zog
a place or situation that is far removed from reality or what is currently happening
Red Planet
→ the Red Planet
alien planet
A planet is a large, round object in space that moves around a star . The Earth is a planet.
dwarf planet
A dwarf planet is an object in space that is like a small planet but does not completely fit the technical description of a planet.
giant planet
any of the planets Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , and Neptune , characterized by large mass, low density , and an extensive atmosphere
inner planet
any of the planets Mercury , Venus , earth, and Mars , whose orbits lie inside the asteroid belt
major planet
a planet of the solar system, as opposed to an asteroid ( minor planet)
minor planet
→ asteroid
outer planet
any of the planets Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune , and (formerly) Pluto , whose orbit lies outside the asteroid belt
planet Earth
the third planet from the sun , the only planet on which life is known to exist. It is not quite spherical , being flattened at the poles , and consists of three geological zones , the core , mantle , and thin outer crust . The surface, covered with large areas of water, is enveloped by an atmosphere principally of nitrogen (78 per cent ), oxygen (21 per cent), and some water vapour . The age is estimated at over four thousand million years. Distance from sun: 149.6 million km; equatorial diameter : 12 756 km; mass: 5.976 × 10 24 kg; sidereal period of axial rotation : 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds; sidereal period of revolution about sun: 365.256 days
affected by the influence of a planet , esp malignly
planet wheel
any one of the wheels of an epicyclic gear train that orbits the central axis of the train
another planet
A planet is a large, round object in space that moves around a star. The Earth is a planet.
inferior planet
either of the planets Mercury and Venus , whose orbits lie inside that of the earth
believed to be adversely affected mentally or physically by the planets
superior planet
any of the planets ( Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune , and (formerly) Pluto ) whose orbit lies outside that of the earth
different planet
A planet is a large, round object in space that moves around a star . The Earth is a planet.
extrasolar planet
any other celestial body revolving around a star , illuminated by light from that star
terrestrial planet
Astronomy See inner planet
the Red Planet
the fourth planet from the sun, having a reddish-orange surface with numerous dark patches and two white polar caps . It has a thin atmosphere , mainly carbon dioxide , and low surface temperatures. Spacecraft encounters have revealed a history of volcanic activity and running surface water. The planet has two tiny satellites , Phobos and Deimos . Mean distance from sun: 228 million km; period of revolution around sun: 686.98 days; period of axial rotation : 24.6225 hours ; diameter and mass: 53.2 and 10.7 per cent that of earth respectively
what planet is someone on?
said to mean that you think someone has crazy ideas, or behaves in a very strange way, or does not understand something at all