Whales are very large mammals that live in the sea.
fin whale
a rorqual , Balaenoptera borealis
sei whale
a rorqual , Balaenoptera borealis
blue whale
the largest mammal : a widely distributed bluish-grey whalebone whale , Sibbaldus (or Balaenoptera ) musculus , closely related and similar to the rorquals : family Balaenopteridae
grey whale
a large N Pacific whalebone whale , Eschrichtius glaucus, that is grey or black with white spots and patches : family Eschrichtidae
the largest mammal: a widely distributed bluish-grey whalebone whale , Sibbaldus (or Balaenoptera ) musculus , closely related and similar to the rorquals : family Balaenopteridae
baleen whale
any of an order (Mysticeta) of whales with toothless jaws , baleen in the mouth, and a symmetrical skull , consisting of the gray whale, the right whales, and rorquals
beaked whale
any of a worldwide family (Ziphiidae) of medium-sized toothed whales characterized by a long, narrow snout
black whale
any of several black toothed whales of the genus Globicephala, such as G . melaena, that occur in all seas except polar seas: family Delphinidae
killer whale
A killer whale is a type of black and white whale.
a type of small whalebone whale or rorqual , Balaenoptera acutorostrata, up to 10 metres long
minke whale
a type of small whalebone whale or rorqual , Balaenoptera acutorostrata, up to 10 metres long
pilot whale
any of several black toothed whales of the genus Globicephala, such as G . melaena, that occur in all seas except polar seas: family Delphinidae
right whale
any large whalebone whale of the family Balaenidae. They are grey or black, have a large head, and, in most, no dorsal fin , and are hunted as a source of whalebone and oil
sperm whale
A sperm whale is a large whale with a large head that has a section in it which contains oil.
white whale
a small white toothed whale , Delphinapterus leucas , of northern waters : family Monodontidae
Greenland whale
an arctic right whale , Balaena mysticetus, that is black with a cream-coloured throat
humpback whale
a large whalebone whale , Megaptera novaeangliae, closely related and similar to the rorquals but with a humped back and long flippers : family Balaenopteridae
any whale belonging to the cetacean suborder Mysticeti, having a double blowhole and strips of whalebone between the jaws instead of teeth: includes the rorquals , right whales, and the blue whale
toothed whale
any whale belonging to the cetacean suborder Odontoceti, having a single blowhole and numerous simple teeth and feeding on fish, smaller mammals, molluscs , etc: includes dolphins and porpoises
whalebone whale
any whale belonging to the cetacean suborder Mysticeti, having a double blowhole and strips of whalebone between the jaws instead of teeth: includes the rorquals , right whales, and the blue whale
any of several whalebone whales of the genus Balaenoptera , esp B. physalus : family Balaenopteridae . They have a dorsal fin and a series of grooves along the throat and chest
A humpback or a humpback whale is a large whale with a curved back.
humpback bridge
a large whalebone whale , Megaptera novaeangliae, closely related and similar to the rorquals but with a humped back and long flippers : family Balaenopteridae