People sometimes use ground zero to refer to the site of a disaster such as a nuclear explosion. However, it is used especially in relation to the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001.
[mainly US]
Within a half-mile from ground zero, death from radiation poisoning will occur withintwelve hours.
...Liberty Travel, located just blocks from ground zero in Manhattan.
ground zero in British English
a point on the surface of land or water at or directly above or below the centre of a nuclear explosion
a scene of great devastation
3. (sometimes capitals)
the name given to the devastated site of the collapsed World Trade Center towers in New York after September 11 2001
ground zero in American English
the land or water surface area directly below or above the point of detonation of a nuclear bomb
2. Slang
the starting point
the most basic condition or level
Examples of 'ground zero' in a sentence
ground zero
Others have taken solace from the slow but painstaking progress towards rebuilding the ground zero site.