The government's first task is to get to grips with the economy.
unable to come to grips with his current problems.
Examples of 'grips' in a sentence
What I can't get to grips with is the fact that there's no discernible pattern.
Forbes, Bryan THE ENDLESS GAME (2001)
He had an hour or so alone to get to grips with anything that was troubling him.
Neither had yet come to grips with how their brief telephone conversation had ended.
Mosco, Maisie OUT OF THE ASHES (2001)
All related terms of 'grips'
If you grip something, you take hold of it with your hand and continue to hold it firmly.
→ influenza
get to grips
to deal with (a problem or subject)
come to grips
to engage in hand-to-hand fighting
key grip
the person in charge of moving and setting up camera tracks and scenery in a film or television studio
come to grips with
If you come to grips with a problem , you consider it seriously , and start taking action to deal with it.
a hairgrip consisting of a piece of metal bent over to form a tight clip and having the upper part ridged to prevent it slipping on the hair
kirby grip
type of hairgrip
twist grip
a handlebar control in the form of a ratchet-controlled rotating grip , used on some bicycles and motorcycles as a gear-change control and on motorcycles as an accelerator
pistol grip
a handle shaped like the butt of a pistol
get/come to grips with
If you get to grips with a problem or if you come to grips with it, you consider it seriously , and start taking action to deal with it.
get to grips with something
to start dealing with a situation seriously , for example by getting a proper understanding of it
bobby pin
A bobby pin is a small piece of metal or plastic bent back on itself, which someone uses to hold their hair in position .