Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense pings, present participle pinging, past tense pinged
If a bell or a piece of metal pings, it makes a short, high-pitched noise.
The lift bell pinged at the fourth floor. [VERB]
Ping is also a noun.
...a metallic ping.
ping in British English
a short high-pitched resonant sound, as of a bullet striking metal or a sonar echo
2. computing
a system for testing whether internet systems are responding and how long in milliseconds it takes them to respond
3. (intransitive)
to make such a noise
4. (transitive) computing
to send a test message to (a computer or server) in order to check whether it is responding or how long it takes it to respond
Derived forms
pinging (ˈpinging)
Word origin
C19: of imitative origin
ping in American English
the sound made by a bullet striking something sharply
any sound somewhat similar to this, as an engine knocking, a sonar echo, etc.
verb intransitive, verb transitive
to make or cause to make such a sound
Word origin
Examples of 'ping' in a sentence
He likens the situation to be being attached to a piece of elastic constantly pinging him back to his family's enduring pain.
The Sun (2016)
The answers that ping back to me are terse, weary, barely usable.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
And they ping back into shape after each wash.
The Sun (2013)
He can just ping it over to you.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
We can just ping and go, now!
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
It's the box in the corner of the kitchen that goes ping.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
And they aren't just kept alive courtesy of machines that go ping.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The text message pinged joyously around players' friends and family.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
I just don't understand how her body has pinged back into shape so quickly.
The Sun (2015)
Then when you take it off they'll ping back up and it'll be relief all round.
The Sun (2010)
In other languages
British English: ping VERB
If a bell or a piece of metal pings, it makes a short, high noise.
The lift bell pinged at the fourth floor.
American English: ping
Brazilian Portuguese: emitir um som curto e agudo
Chinese: 砰然作声
European Spanish: sonar
French: tinter
German: klingeln
Italian: fare un suono squillante
Japanese: チンという音がなる
Korean: 쨍하는 소리를 내다
European Portuguese: emitir um som curto e agudo
Latin American Spanish: sonar
Chinese translation of 'ping'
(= noise) 砰 (pēng)
All related terms of 'ping'
[ c ] ( glass etc container : for milk, wine, perfume ) 瓶子 píngzi [ 个(個) gè ]
乒乓球 pīngpāngqiú
( level : ground, surface ) 平的 píng de
( flat ) 平的 píng de ⇒ The floor is quite level. → 地板很平。 Dìbǎn hěn píng.
( person ) 畜生 chùsheng [ 个(個) gè ]
by brute force
凭(憑)蛮(蠻)力 píng mánlì
[ c ] ( sense of morality ) 是非感 shìfēi gǎn [ 种(種) zhǒng ]
in all or good conscience
( frm ) 凭(憑)良心 píng liángxīn
flatten out 使变(變)平 shǐ biàn píng
by invitation only
凭(憑)柬入场(場) píng jiǎn rùchǎng
( person ) 冲(衝)动(動)的 chōngdòng de
[ c ] 邀请(請) yāoqǐng [ 个(個) gè ]
( rice, sauce ) 多块(塊)的 duōkuài de
( teeth, road, surface ) 高低不平的 gāodī bù píng de
"only available on prescription"
"凭(憑)处(處)方购(購)买(買)" "píng chǔfāng gòumǎi"
a wine/milk bottle
葡萄酒/牛奶瓶 pútáojiǔ/niúnǎi píng
as a rule of thumb
凭(憑)经(經)验(驗)行事 píng jīngyàn xíngshì
just follow your nose
凭(憑)本能行事 píng běnnéng xíngshì
( on face ) 鼻子 bízi [ 个(個) gè ] ( sense of smell ) 嗅觉(覺) xiùjué
( Med : slip of paper ) 处(處)方 chǔfāng [ 个(個) gè ] (: medicine ) 药(藥)方 yàofāng [ 个(個) gè ] ▶ to make up a prescription 配方 pèifāng ▶ to give sb a prescription for sth 给(給)某人开(開)用于(於)某事的处(處)方 gěi mǒurén kāi yòngyú mǒushì de chǔfāng ▶ "only available on prescription" "凭(憑)处(處)方购(購)买(買)" "píng chǔfāng gòumǎi"
( person, hands ) 不动(動)的 bùdòng de ⇒ He sat very still for several minutes. → 他一动也不动地坐了几分钟。 Tā yī dòng yě bù dòng de zuòle jǐ fēnzhōng. ⇒ His hands were never still. → 他双手从不停歇。 Tā shuāngshǒu cóngbù tíngxiē.
to act on impulse
凭(憑)一时(時)冲(衝)动(動)行事 píng yīshí chōngdòng xíngshì
爱(愛)保密的 ài bǎomì de
( person : on particular occasion ) 沉默的 chénmò de (: as character trait ) 沉默寡言的 chénmò guǎyán de (: place, object ) 安静(靜)的 ānjìng de (: prayer, emotion ) 默默的 mòmò de (: film ) 无(無)声(聲)的 wúshēng de ▶ to fall silent ( stop talking ) 不作声(聲) bù zuò shēng ; ( stop making noise ) 安静(靜)下来(來) ānjìng xiàlái ▶ to be/remain silent about sth 对(對)某事守口如瓶 duì mǒushì shǒu kǒu rú píng