

单词 greenhouse

Examples of 'greenhouse' in a sentence

Farming insects results in considerably fewer greenhouse gases than most livestock.The move was intended to reduce greenhouse gases, but although diesels produce less carbon dioxide they emit nitrogen dioxide.A study into the amount of greenhouse gases produced to make food has tracked the process from farm to kitchen.The livestock industry produces 18 per cent of man-made greenhouse gases.Take the opportunity to wash glass on greenhouses and frames after a thaw.We must begin to reduce our production of the greenhouse gases.The importance of the greenhouse effect is that it changes the shape of the global playing field.The tip of each plant should also be removed when the main stem reaches the greenhouse roof.Some can be grown outdoors but others are only suitable for growing in a greenhouse.Garden centres sell mini greenhouses and cold frames that are perfect for the job.Each of these processes involves the release of greenhouse gases.She still jumps on the greenhouse roof when she sees a cat.Pinch out the growing tips of greenhouse cucumbers when they reach the top of their support.Can you recommend a fig for growing in a greenhouse container?The most memorable and contentious image has a horse and rider crashing through the glass of a greenhouse.Scatter a shallow layer of horticultural grit over the top and leave the pots in a cold frame or cold greenhouse.You want to cut greenhouse gases?If you have a cool greenhouse or conservatory, place them under the protection of glass.Were these African countries unaware of the greenhouse effect?The basic facts about the greenhouse effect are well-established.When they are an inch high, move to a cold frame or cold greenhouse.The argument is that British money would reduce greenhouse gases that would otherwise have been emitted overseas.And if the snow builds up on the greenhouse roof, remove it before it becomes too heavy.The way it is designed gives a nice greenhouse effect, with a lot of light and air and good visibility.Unless you have a greenhouse to grow them on in, leave these well alone and come back in a month or so.Pot them up - without covering the crowns in compost - and leave in a warm greenhouse or conservatory.They are frost tender: grow them for most of the year in a conservatory or greenhouse, then place on the terrace during summer.To keep them in good condition, pick off any weak growth and fading flower stems, then place in a conservatory or greenhouse for the winter months.

In other languages

British English: greenhouse /ˈɡriːnˌhaʊs/ NOUN
A greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather.
  • American English: greenhouse
  • Arabic: مُسْتَنْبَتٌ زُجَاجِيّ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: estufa
  • Chinese: 温室
  • Croatian: staklenik
  • Czech: skleník
  • Danish: drivhus
  • Dutch: broeikas
  • European Spanish: invernadero
  • Finnish: kasvihuone
  • French: serre
  • German: Gewächshaus
  • Greek: θερμοκήπιο
  • Italian: serra
  • Japanese: 温室
  • Korean: 온실
  • Norwegian: drivhus
  • Polish: cieplarnia
  • European Portuguese: estufa
  • Romanian: seră
  • Russian: теплица
  • Latin American Spanish: invernadero
  • Swedish: växthus
  • Thai: เรือนกระจกสำหรับปลูกต้นไม้
  • Turkish: sera
  • Ukrainian: теплиця
  • Vietnamese: nhà kính

Chinese translation of 'greenhouse'



n (c)

  1. 暖房 (nuǎnfáng) (间(間), jiān)


  1. [gas, emissions] 温(溫)室 (wēnshì)
a building with glass walls and roof where plants are grown under controlled conditions
Take some cuttings and over-winter them in the greenhouse.
This kind of plant needs to be grown in a glasshouse.
The plant is susceptible to frost but can be placed in a conservatory or greenhouse.
Wilted plants thrive when well tended in a hothouse.

Synonyms of 'greenhouse'


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