a stereoscopic picture consisting of two images of the same object, taken from slightly different angles, in two complementary colours, usually red and cyan (green-blue). When viewed through spectacles having one red and one cyan lens, the images merge to produce a stereoscopic sensation
anything cut to stand in low relief, such as a cameo
Derived forms
anaglyphic (ˌanaˈglyphic) or anaglyphical (ˌanaˈglyphical) or anaglyptic (ˌænəˈɡlɪptɪk) or anaglyptical (ˌanaˈglyptical)
anaglyphy (əˈnæɡləfɪ, ˈænəˌɡlɪfɪ)
Word origin
C17: from Greek anagluphē carved in low relief, from ana- + gluphē carving, from gluphein to carve
anaglyph in American English
an ornament, as a cameo, carved in low relief
a photograph made up of two slightly different views, in complementary colors, of the same subject: when looked at through a pair of corresponding color filters, the picture seems three-dimensional
Word origin
Gr anaglyphē < ana-, up + glyphein, to carve out: see cleave1