Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense spirits, present participle spiriting, past tense, past participle spirited
1. singular noun
Your spirit is the part of you that is not physical and that consists of your character and feelings.
The human spirit is virtually indestructible.
Marian retains a restless, youthful spirit, in search of new horizons.
Synonyms: soul, life, psyche, ego More Synonyms of spirit
2. See also kindred spirit
3. countable noun [usually poss NOUN]
A person's spirit is the non-physical part of them that is believed to remain alive after their death.
His spirit has left him and all that remains is the shell of his body.
4. countable noun
A spirit is a ghost or supernatural being.
...protection against evil spirits.
5. See also Holy Spirit
6. uncountable noun
Spirit is the courage and determination that helps people to survive in difficult times and to keep their way of life and their beliefs.
She was a very brave girl and everyone who knew her admired her spirit.
Synonyms: courage, guts [informal], grit, balls [vulgar, slang] More Synonyms of spirit
7. uncountable noun
Spirit is the liveliness and energy that someone shows in what they do.
They played with spirit.
Synonyms: liveliness, energy, vigour, life More Synonyms of spirit
8. singular noun
The spirit in which you do something is the attitude you have when you are doing it.
Their problem can only be solved in a spirit of compromise. [+ of]
They approached the talks in a conciliatory spirit.
Synonyms: attitude, character, quality, humour More Synonyms of spirit
9. uncountable noun [oft noun NOUN]
A particular kind of spirit is the feeling of loyalty to a group that is shared by the people who belong to the group.
There is a great sense of team spirit among the British squad.
The president has appealed to the people for patriotism and community spirit.
Synonyms: team spirit, loyalty, togetherness More Synonyms of spirit
10. singular noun
A particular kind of spirit is the set of ideas, beliefs, and aims that are held by a group of people.
...the real spirit of the Labour movement.
Synonyms: heart, sense, nature, soul More Synonyms of spirit
11. singular noun
The spirit of something such as a law or an agreement is the way that it was intended to be interpreted or applied.
The requirement for work permits violates the spirit of the 1950 treaty. [+ of]
12. countable noun [usually adjective NOUN]
You can refer to a person as a particular kind of spirit if they show a certain characteristic or if they show a lot of enthusiasm in what they are doing.
I like to think of myself as a free spirit.
He was the founder and guiding spirit of New York's Shakespeare Festival.
13. plural noun
Your spirits are your feelings at a particular time, especially feelings of happiness or unhappiness.
At supper, everyone was in high spirits.
A bit of exercise will help lift his spirits.
Synonyms: mood, feelings, morale, humour More Synonyms of spirit
14. verb
If someone or something is spirited away, or if they are spiritedout of somewhere, they are taken from a place quickly and secretly without anyone noticing.
He was spirited away and probably murdered. [beV-ed + away]
His parents had spirited him away to the country. [V n + away]
It is possible that he has been spirited out of the country. [beVERB-ed preposition/adverb]
15. plural noun
Spirits are strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky and gin.
16. uncountable noun
Spirit or spirits is an alcoholic liquid that is used as a fuel, for cleaning things, or for other purposes. There are many kinds of spirit.
17. See also methylated spirits, surgical spirit
See enter into the spirit
See in spirit
See in spirit
See the spirit of the age/the spirit of the times
More Synonyms of spirit
spirit in British English1
the force or principle of life that animates the body of living things
temperament or disposition
truculent in spirit
liveliness; mettle
they set to it with spirit
the fundamental, emotional, and activating principle of a person; will
the experience broke his spirit
a sense of loyalty or dedication
team spirit
the prevailing element; feeling
a spirit of joy pervaded the atmosphere
state of mind or mood; attitude
he did it in the wrong spirit
8. (plural)
an emotional state, esp with regard to exaltation or dejection
in high spirits
a person characterized by some activity, quality, or disposition
a leading spirit of the movement
the deeper more significant meaning as opposed to a pedantic interpretation
the spirit of the law
that which constitutes a person's intangible being as contrasted with his or her physical presence
I shall be with you in spirit
an incorporeal being, esp the soul of a dead person
(as modifier)
spirit world
13. (usually foll byaway or off)
to carry off mysteriously or secretly
14. (often foll by up)
to impart animation or determination to
Word origin
C13: from Old French esperit, from Latin spīritus breath, spirit; related to spīrāre to breathe
spirit in British English2
1. (often plural)
any distilled alcoholic liquor such as brandy, rum, whisky, or gin
2. chemistry
an aqueous solution of ethanol, esp one obtained by distillation
the active principle or essence of a substance, extracted as a liquid, esp by distillation
3. pharmacology
a solution of a volatile substance, esp a volatile oil, in alcohol
(as modifier)
a spirit burner
4. alchemy
any of the four substances sulphur, mercury, sal ammoniac, or arsenic
Word origin
C14: special use of spirit1, name applied to alchemical substances (as in sense 4), hence extended to distilledliquids
Spirit in British English
the Spirit
a. another name for the Holy Spirit
God, esp when regarded as transcending material limitations
the influence of God or divine things upon the soul
3. Christian Science
God or divine substance
spirit in American English
the life principle, esp. in human beings, originally regarded as inherent in the breath or as infused by a deity
soul (sense 1)
the thinking, motivating, feeling part of a person, often as distinguished from the body; mind; intelligence
3. [alsoS-]
life, will, consciousness, thought, etc., regarded as separate from matter
a supernatural being, esp. one thought of as haunting or possessing a person, house, etc., as a ghost, or as inhabiting a certain region, being of a certain good (or evil) character, etc., as an angel, demon, fairy, or elf
an individual person or personality thought of as showing or having some specific quality
the brave spirits who pioneered
6. [usually pl.]
frame of mind; disposition; mood; temper
in high spirits
vivacity, courage, vigor, enthusiasm, etc.
to answer with spirit
enthusiasm and loyalty
school spirit
real meaning; true intention
to follow the spirit if not the letter of the law
a pervading animating principle, essential or characteristic quality, or prevailing tendency or attitude
the spirit of the Renaissance
a divine animating influence or inspiration
12. [usually pl.]
strong alcoholic liquor produced by distillation
13. Obsolete
any of certain substances or fluids thought of as permeating organs of the body
b. Alchemy
sulfur, sal ammoniac, mercury, or orpiment
14. [often pl.]; Chemistry
any liquid produced by distillation, as from wood, shale, etc.
spirits of turpentine
alcohol (sense 1)
15. Dyeing
a solution of a tin salt, etc., used as a mordant
16. [often pl.]; Pharmacy
an alcoholic solution of a volatile or essential substance
spirits of camphor
verb transitive
to inspirit, animate, encourage, cheer, etc.
(often with up)
to carry (away, off, etc.) secretly and swiftly, or in some mysterious way
of spirits or spiritualism
b. US
believed to be manifested by spirits
spirit rapping
operating by the burning of alcohol
a spirit lamp
out of spirits
the Spirit
Word origin
ME < OFr espirit < L spiritus, breath, courage, vigor, the soul, life, in LL(Ec), spirit < spirare, to blow, breathe < IE base *(s)peis-, to blow > (prob.) Norw fisa, to puff, blow, OSlav piskati, to pipe, whistle
COBUILD Collocations
capture the spirit of
embody the spirit
entrepreneurial spirit
festive spirit
indomitable spirit
keep the spirit alive
lift spirits
Examples of 'spirit' in a sentence
Well, everything is relative and there was life with Evelyn as well as the spirit of Bas haunting us at home.
Anita Anderson SOMEBODY (2001)
But even then the Dead Hand functioned, the spirit inside indifferent to any physical harm.
It was a bunker, virtually indestructible, symbolic of the Conch spirit.
James Grippando A KING'S RANSOM (2001)
In other languages
British English: spirit /ˈspɪrɪt/ NOUN
Your spirit is the part of you that is not physical and that is connected with your deepest thoughts and feelings.
She is physically weak but her spirit is very strong.
American English: spirit
Arabic: رُوح
Brazilian Portuguese: espírito
Chinese: 精神
Croatian: duh
Czech: duševno
Danish: ånd
Dutch: geest karakter
European Spanish: espíritu
Finnish: henki
French: esprit cerveau
German: Geist Denken
Greek: πνεύμα
Italian: spirito
Japanese: 精神
Korean: 정신
Norwegian: ånd
Polish: duch dusza
European Portuguese: espírito
Romanian: spirit
Russian: душа
Latin American Spanish: espíritu
Swedish: ande andligt väsen
Thai: วิญญาณ
Turkish: ruh
Ukrainian: дух
Vietnamese: tinh thần
All related terms of 'spirit'
in spirit
If you say you are somewhere in spirit or with someone in spirit , you mean that although you are not with them, you feel as though you are with them because you are thinking about them a lot .
evil spirit
a malevolent presence
free spirit
If you describe someone as a free spirit , you admire them because they are independent and live as they want to live rather than in a conventional way.
Holy Spirit
In the Christian religion , the Holy Spirit is one of the three aspects of God , together with God the Father and God the Son .
spirit gum
a glue made from gum dissolved in ether used to stick a false beard , etc, onto the face
spirit lamp
a lamp that burns methylated or other spirits instead of oil
team spirit
Team spirit is the feeling of pride and loyalty that exists among the members of a team and that makes them want their team to do well or to be the best .
the Spirit
→ Holy Spirit
wood spirit
→ methanol
party spirit
If you talk about someone being in the party spirit , you mean that they are in the mood to enjoy a party or to have fun .
proof spirit
(in Britain and Canada ) a mixture of alcohol and water or an alcoholic beverage that contains 49.28 per cent of alcohol by weight , 57.1 per cent by volume at 51° F : up until 1980 used as a standard of alcoholic liquids
public spirit
active interest in public welfare or the good of the community
spirit level
A spirit level is a device for testing to see if a surface is level. It consists of a plastic , wood , or metal frame containing a glass tube of liquid with an air bubble in it.
white spirit
White spirit is a colourless liquid that is made from petrol and is used, for example , to make paint thinner or to clean surfaces.
Dunkirk spirit
fortitude and stoicism in a demanding or dangerous situation
familiar spirit
a supernatural spirit often assuming animal form, supposed to attend and aid a witch , wizard , etc
festive spirit
The spirit in which you do something is the attitude you have when you are doing it.
fighting spirit
courage and determination expressed in a willingness to fight or struggle
holiday spirit
the positive feeling people experience while on holiday and during holiday periods such as the Christmas period
kindred spirit
A kindred spirit is a person who has the same view of life or the same interests as you.
pioneer spirit
a willingness to endure hardship in order to explore new places or try out new things
restless spirit
a wandering spirit
spirit varnish
a varnish consisting of a gum or resin, such as shellac or copal , dissolved in alcohol
surgical spirit
Surgical spirit is a liquid which is used to clean wounds or surgical instruments . It consists mainly of alcohol .
community spirit
willingness and desire to participate in activities that promote a community
indomitable spirit
Spirit is the liveliness and energy that someone shows in what they do.
pioneering spirit
a willingness to endure hardship in order to explore new places or try out new things
rectified spirit
a constant-boiling mixture of ethanol and water, containing 95.6 per cent ethanol
embody the spirit
A particular kind of spirit is the feeling of loyalty to a group that is shared by the people who belong to the group.
entrepreneurial spirit
A particular kind of spirit is the feeling of loyalty to a group that is shared by the people who belong to the group.
moving spirit/force
The moving spirit or moving force behind something is the person or thing that caused it to start and to keep going , or that influenced people to take part in it.
spirit of enterprise
the motivation to set up and succeed in business or commerce
capture the spirit of
A particular kind of spirit is the set of ideas , beliefs , and aims that are held by a group of people.
enter into the spirit
If you enter into the spirit of something, you take part in it in an enthusiastic way.
keep the spirit alive
A particular kind of spirit is the set of ideas , beliefs , and aims that are held by a group of people.
Universal Soul
Brahman in its aspect as the sacred syllable Om , the eternal and spiritual principle that permeates the universe
methylated spirits
Methylated spirits is a liquid made from alcohol and other chemicals. It is used for removing stains and as a fuel in small lamps and heaters .
spirits of wine
→ alcohol (sense 1 )
spirits of ammonia
a 10% solution of ammonia in alcohol
spirits of hartshorn
another name for aqueous ammonia
to get sb in the party spirit
to make someone feel like going to a party
spirits of turpentine
→ turpentine (sense 3 )
Turpentine is a colourless liquid used, for example , for cleaning paint off brushes .
turpentine substitute
any of various viscous oleoresins obtained from various coniferous trees, esp from the longleaf pine , and used as the main source of commercial turpentine
the spirit of the age/the spirit of the times
The spirit of the age or the spirit of the times is the set of ideas , beliefs , and aims that is typical of people in a particular period in history .