a city in central South Dakota, capital of the state, on the Missouri River. Pop: 13 939 (2003 est)
Pierre in American English1
(piˈɛr; French pjɛʀ)
a masculine name
see also Peter1
Word origin
Fr: see Peter1
Pierre in American English2
capital of S.Dak., on the Missouri River: pop. 14,000
Word origin
after Pierre Chouteau, early fur trader
All related terms of 'Pierre'
town in NW Martinique , West Indies , on the site of a city destroyed (1902) by eruption of Mount Pel ée: pop. 5,000
a town on the coast of the French island of Martinique , destroyed by the eruption of Mont Pel ée in 1902 with the loss of about 30 000 lives; later partly rebuilt
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
Jacques Hen ˈri ( ʒɑkɑ̃ˈʀi ) 1737-1814; Fr. writer
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
an archipelago in the Atlantic , off the S coast of Newfoundland : an overseas department of France, the only remaining French possession in North America; consists of the islands of St Pierre , with most of the population , and Miquelon , about ten times as large; fishing industries. Capital: St Pierre. Pop: 5774 (2013 est). Area: 242 sq km (94 sq miles)
St-Pierre and Miquelon
group of islands in the Atlantic , south of Newfoundland , constituting a political unit of France : includes the islands of St-Pierre ( c. 10 sq mi , 26 sq km) & Miquelon & several islets : 93 sq mi (241 sq km); pop. 6,000