denoting that a function has a specified property, as smoothness or continuity, on each of a finite number of pieces into which its domain is divided
a piecewise continuous function
a piecewise differentiable curve
Word origin
[1665–75; piece + -wise]This word is first recorded in the period 1665–75. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: background, diffraction, recessive, setback, wader-wise is a suffix used to form adverbs denoting manner, position, direction, reference,etc. Other words that use the affix -wise include: edgewise, flatwise, sunwise, warpwise, weftwise
Examples of 'piecewise' in a sentence
A classifying program with nonlinear terms uses piecewise linearization technique to obtain a global optimum.
Yao-Huei Huang, Yu-Chien Ko, Hao-Chun Lu 2012, 'An Optimal Classification Method for Biological and Medical Data', Mathematical Problems in Engineering Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
For the numerical solution of the spectral problem, piecewise-linear finite elements are used.
Rafael Arutyunyan, Yuri Obukhov, Petr Vabishchevich 2019, 'NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF CHARGED FULLERENE SPECTRUM', Mathematical Modelling and Analysis Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This approach enables a piecewise less heterogeneous representation to bound the more heterogeneous system.
R. William Nelson, Gustavious P. Williams 2019, 'Bounding of Flow and Transport Analysis in Heterogeneous Saturated Porous Media: AMinimum Energy Dissipation Principle for the Bounding and Scale-Up', Hydrology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The model uses a full occupancy, piecewise-constant focusing function and neglects space charge.
O. A. Anderson, L. L. LoDestro 2009, 'Exact solution of the envelope equations for a matched quadrupole-focused beam inthe zero space-charge limit', Physical Review Special Topics. Accelerators and Beams Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
These planes represent a piecewise linear approximation for the expected cost-to-go functions.
Bruno H. Dias, André L. M. Marcato, Reinaldo C. Souza, Murilo P. Soares, Ivo C. SilvaJunior, Edimar J. de Oliveira, Rafael B. S. Brandi, Tales P. Ramos 2010, 'Stochastic Dynamic Programming Applied to Hydrothermal Power Systems Operation PlanningBased on the Convex Hull Algorithm', Mathematical Problems in Engineering Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This method provides piecewise linear integral equations which can be easily integrated.
P. Darania, A. Ebadian, A. V. Oskoi 2006, 'Linearization method for solving nonlinear integral equations', Mathematical Problems in Engineering Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Piecewise regression was used to model change in mean autumnal temperature anomalies over time.
Philippe Amstislavski, Leonid Zubov, Herman Chen, Pietro Ceccato, Jean-Francois Pekel,Jeremy Weedon 2013, 'Effects of increase in temperature and open water on transmigration and access tohealth care by the Nenets reindeer herders in northern Russia', International Journal of Circumpolar Health Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
First, on the basis of piecewise pricing strategy, we build a ticket fare optimization model.
Jinzi Zheng, Jun Liu 2016, 'The Research on Ticket Fare Optimization for China's High-Speed Train', Mathematical Problems in Engineering Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The cohomologies depend in a piecewise polynomial way on the line bundle charges.
Daniel Klaewer, Lorenz Schlechter 2019, 'Machine learning line bundle cohomologies of hypersurfaces in toric varieties', Physics Letters B Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Piecewise linear regression was used to assess temporal trends.
Fiona Cocker, Kwang Chien Yee, Andrew J. Palmer, Barbara de Graaff 2019, 'Increasing incidence and mortality related to liver cancer in Australia: time to turnthe tide', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (