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He felt his heart leap, the pieces falling into place, his eyes already searching the framed map on the wall across the corridor.
Mark Mills AMAGANSETT (2004)
They encouraged his narrative with a range of clicks, braying noises and high-pitched squeaks which shot their credibility to pieces.
All related terms of 'pieces'
A piece of something is an amount of it that has been broken off, torn off, or cut off.
to pieces
You use to pieces in expressions such as ' smash to pieces', and mainly in British English ' fall to pieces' or ' take something to pieces', when you are describing how something is broken or comes apart so that it is in separate pieces.
go to pieces
If you go to pieces , you are so upset or nervous that you lose control of yourself and cannot do what you should do.
shot to pieces
completely ruined
a strut or part shaped like a T
a strut or part shaped like a T
bits and pieces bits and bobs
You can use bits and pieces or bits and bobs to refer to a collection of different things.
pieces of eight
a former Spanish coin worth eight reals; peso
A one-piece article of clothing consists of one piece only, rather than two or more separate parts.
piece out
to extend by adding pieces
set piece
A set piece is an occasion such as a battle or a move in a game of football that is planned and carried out in an ordered way.
the forward part of the device fixed to a ski to grip a ski boot , for either water skiing or snow skiing
You can use two-piece to describe something, especially a set of clothing, that is in two parts.
pick up the pieces
to do what you can to get a situation back to normal again after something bad has happened
cane piece
(in the Caribbean ) a field of sugar cane , esp a peasant's isolated field
handheld, power-operated shears used by a shearer
pole piece
a piece of ferromagnetic material forming an extension of the magnetic circuit in an electric motor , etc, used to concentrate the magnetic field where it will be most effective
puff piece
a flattering newspaper or magazine article about a person or an organization
test piece
a piece of music played in an exam in order to test the abilities of the player
A timepiece is a clock, watch, or other device that measures and shows time.
major piece
a queen or rook
minor piece
a bishop or knight
museum piece
If you describe an object or building as a museum piece , you mean that it is old and unusual .
party piece
Someone's party piece is something that they often do to entertain people, especially at parties, for example singing a particular song or saying a particular poem .
period piece
A period piece is a play, book , or film that is set at a particular time in history and describes life at that time.
piano piece
a piece of music played on the piano
ridge piece
a timber laid along the ridge of a roof , to which the upper ends of the rafters are attached
think piece
A think piece is an article in a newspaper or magazine that discusses a particular subject in a serious and thoughtful way .
A three-piece suit is a set of three pieces of matching clothing , usually a man's jacket , waistcoat , and trousers .
to fall to bits/pieces
To fall to pieces , or in British English to fall to bits , means the same as to → fall apart .
character piece
a short, simple piece, usually for piano , of a type developed chiefly during the 19th century, often of a descriptive or seemingly improvisatory character
chimney piece
→ mantelpiece
companion piece
a subsidiary object, esp a work of art or piece of writing, that accompanies another
costume piece
any theatrical production , film, television presentation , etc, in which the performers wear the costumes of a former age
ensemble piece
a play involving no individual star but several actors whose roles are of equal importance
fowling piece
a gun , esp a shotgun , for shooting wild birds
piece together
If you piece together the truth about something, you gradually discover it.
straining piece
a horizontal tie beam that connects the top of two queen posts of a roof truss
twopenny piece
a two pence coin
collector's item
A collector's item is an object which is highly valued by collectors because it is rare or beautiful .
conversation piece
something, esp an unusual object, that provokes conversation
pick apart
to separate or tear into many parts
piece of eight
a former Spanish coin worth eight reals ; peso
pull apart
to criticize harshly
thrilled to bits
If someone is thrilled , they are extremely pleased about something.
to tear someone to pieces pull sth to pieces/pick sth to pieces
If someone tears you to pieces , pulls your work to pieces , or picks your work to pieces , they criticize you or your work very severely.