Some people refer to or address their grandmother as granny.
[informal] old granny.
granny in British English
or grannie (ˈɡrænɪ)
nounWord forms: plural-nies
1. informal words for grandmother
2. informal
an irritatingly fussy person
a revolving cap on a chimneypot that keeps out rain, etc
4. Southern US
a midwife or nurse
5. granny knot
granny in American English
(ˈgræni) or ˈgrannie (ˈgræni)
nounWord forms: pluralˈgrannies Informal
a grandmother
an old woman
any fussy, exacting person
4. US and South
a midwife
of a style like that formerly worn by many elderly women [granny nightgown]; specif., designating eyeglasses (granny glasses) with small, often oval, lenses and thin, wirelike metal frames
In other languages
British English: granny /ˈɡrænɪ/ NOUN
Some people refer to or address their grandmother as granny. old granny.
American English: granny
Arabic: جَدَّة
Brazilian Portuguese: vovó
Chinese: 奶奶
Croatian: baka
Czech: babička
Danish: bedstemor
Dutch: oma
European Spanish: abuelita familiar
Finnish: mummi
French: mamy
German: Omi
Greek: γιαγιάκα
Italian: nonna
Japanese: おばあちゃん
Korean: 할머니
Norwegian: bestemor
Polish: babcia
European Portuguese: avozinha
Romanian: mamaie
Russian: бабуля
Latin American Spanish: abuelita
Swedish: mormor maternal
Thai: ยาย ย่า
Turkish: nine
Ukrainian: бабуся
Vietnamese: bà
All related terms of 'granny'
granny bond
(in Britain) an informal name for retirement issue certificate , an index-linked savings certificate, originally available only to people over retirement age
granny farm
a home where old people are cared for
granny flat
self-contained accommodation within or built onto a house, suitable for an elderly parent
granny knot
a reef knot with the ends crossed the wrong way, making it liable to slip or jam
granny annexe
self-contained accommodation within or built onto a house, suitable for an elderly parent
Granny Smith
a variety of hard green-skinned apple eaten raw or cooked