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( græ nɪt )
Word forms: plural granites variable noun Granite is a very hard rock used in building.
granite in British English ( ˈɡrænɪt )
noun 1. a light-coloured coarse-grained acid plutonic igneous rock consisting of quartz, feldspars, and such ferromagnesian minerals as biotite or hornblende: widely used for building
2. great hardness, endurance, or resolution
3. another name for a stone (sense 9)
Derived forms
granite-like ( ˈgranite-ˌlike) adjective
granitic ( ɡrəˈnɪtɪk ) or granitoid ( ˈgranitˌoid) adjective
Word origin
C17: from Italian
granito grained, from
granire to grain, from
grano grain, from Latin
grānum granite in American English ( ˈgrænɪt )
noun a very hard, coarsegrained, gray to pink, intrusive igneous rock, composed mainly of feldspar, quartz, mica, and hornblende
Derived forms
granitic ( graˈnitic) ( grəˈnɪtɪk ) adjective
granitoid ( ˈgranitˌoid) ( ˈgrænɪˌtɔɪd ) adjective
Word origin
granito , granite, lit., grained, pp. of
granire , to reduce to grains <
grano < L
granum , a seed, grain
Examples of 'granite' in a sentence granite
These are walls constructed of granite blocks. High walls of granite and melancholy cell blocks tower over the village. Under moody skies, we follow a rock trail past giant granite boulders and stands of bamboo. Behind her, waves lap on buxom granite boulders. The granite walls and pillars are original, as are the cypress doors and ceiling. Not all the rugby has been easy on the eye, but it has been granite hard. I love the contrast of my granite walls with the wood. The villa is spread out in a long building that's almost completely concealed by vegetation and granite boulders. The main supporting wall is a work of art in its own right, clad entirely in vast granite boulders. These days they dig whole slabs of marble or granite out of the ground and drive off with them in the back of a van. The underlying rock is unforgiving granite, and the soil above it is so poor that little seems to flourish. Dogs that lived beside the house in a circular field with 6ft granite walls and stone kennels were used to round them up. The castles and palaces had their own beauty but they lowered, the toughness of their granite walls as resistant to embellishment as to battery. The property has recently been remodelled, with hardwood floors, granite worktops and marble bathroom fixtures. Marble, granite or limestone are all good, although polished concrete would look the most modern. Its thriving banking and business centre boasted an imposing neoclassical architecture of marble, granite and sandstone to rival that of Edinburgh. The Romans came in the second century AD to quarry granite. The stone itself, now protected from sheep and tourists by an iron grating, is a domed granite boulder just over three feet high. Word lists with granite
rockIn other languages granite
British English :
granite /
ˈɡrænɪt /
NOUN Granite is a very hard rock used in building.
American English : granite Arabic : جرانيت Brazilian Portuguese : granito Chinese : 花岗岩 Croatian : granit Czech : žula Danish : granit Dutch : graniet European Spanish : granito Finnish : graniitti French : granit German : Granit Greek : γρανίτης Italian : granito Japanese : みかげ石 Korean : 화강암 Norwegian : granitt Polish : granit European Portuguese : granito Romanian : granit Russian : гранит Latin American Spanish : granito Swedish : granit Thai : หินแกรนิต Turkish : granit Ukrainian : граніт Vietnamese : đá granite Chinese translation of 'granite' n (u) 花岗(崗)石 (huāgǎngshí)