nounWord forms: plural-nemas, -nemata (-ˈniːmətə) or -nemes
any anaerobic spirochaete bacterium of the genus Treponema, such as T. pallidum which causes syphilis
Derived forms
treponematous (ˌtrɛpəˈnɛmətəs)
Word origin
C19: from New Latin, from Greek trepein to turn + nēma thread
treponema in American English
nounWord forms: pluralˌtrepoˈnemas or ˌtrepoˈnemata (ˌtrɛpəˈnimətə)
any of a genus (Treponema) of slender spirochetes parasitic in mammals and birds, including some that are pathogenic to humans, as the organisms causing syphilis and yaws
Derived forms
treponemal (ˌtrepoˈnemal)
adjective or ˌtrepoˈnematous (ˌtrɛpəˈnimətəs)
Word origin
ModL < Gr trepein, to turn (see trope) + nēma, a thread < IE base *(s)nē- > needle