释义 |
Definition moderately wealthy two well-educated girls from well-to-do homes Synonyms Opposites broke (informal) , poor , ruined , bankrupt , needy , hard up (informal) , insolvent , destitute , indigent , down at heel , on the breadline SeewealthyNearby words ofwell-to-do - well-spoken
- well-thought-of
- well-timed
- well-to-do
- well-worn
- wellspring
- welt
Additional synonymsDefinition wealthy That family's absolutely loaded. Synonyms rich, wealthy, affluent, well off, rolling (slang), flush (informal), well-heeled (informal), well-to-do, moneyed, minted (British, slang) Definition having a great deal of money Fear of crime among the new monied classes is rising rapidly. Synonyms rich, loaded (slang), wealthy, flush (informal), prosperous, affluent, well-off, well-heeled (informal), well-to-do, minted (British, slang) Definition wealthy and successful the youngest son of a prosperous family Synonyms wealthy, rich, affluent, well-off, in the money (informal), blooming, opulent, well-heeled (informal), well-to-do, moneyed, in clover (informal), minted (British, slang) Definition having a large amount of money and valuable material possessions a wealthy international businessman Synonyms rich, prosperous, affluent, well-off, loaded (slang), comfortable, flush (informal), in the money (informal), opulent, well-heeled (informal), well-to-do, moneyed, quids in (slang), filthy rich, rolling in it (slang), on Easy Street (informal), stinking rich (slang), made of money (informal), minted (British, slang) Definition wealthy The price tag is out of reach of all but the most well-heeled. Synonyms prosperous, rich, wealthy, affluent, loaded (slang), comfortable, flush (informal), well-off, in the money (informal), opulent, well-to-do, moneyed, well-situated, in clover (informal), minted (British, slang) Definition moderately wealthy My family was quite well-off. Synonyms rich, wealthy, comfortable, affluent, loaded (slang), flush (informal), prosperous, well-heeled (informal), well-to-do, moneyed, minted (British, slang) |