any of many organic compounds such as detergents combining both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties
amphiphile in American English
any of many organic compounds, as a surfactant, detergent, bile salt, or phospholipid, composed of hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions
Derived forms
amphiphilic (ˌæmfəˈfɪlɪk)
Word origin
[1970–75; amphi- + -phile]This word is first recorded in the period 1970–75. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: Heimlich maneuver, New Age, cornrow, salsa, stress testamphi- is a prefix occurring in loanwords from Greek (amphibious). On this model, amphi- is used with the meaning “two,” “both,” “on both sides,” in the formation of compoundwords. Other words that use the affix amphi- include: amphimixis, amphipathic, amphiploid, amphithecium, amphora; -phile is a combining form meaning “lover of,” “enthusiast for” that specified by the initialelement. Other words that use the affix -phile include: Anglophile, bibliophile, demophile
Examples of 'amphiphile' in a sentence
The amphiphile structure exhibits nucleoside-sugar polar heads attached to a hydrophobic spacer via carbamate (urethane) functions.
Laurent Latxague, Alexandra Gaubert, David Maleville, Julie Baillet, Michael A. Ramin,Philippe Barthélémy 2016, 'Carbamate-Based Bolaamphiphile as Low-Molecular-Weight Hydrogelators', Gels Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
According to our research, both peptide amphiphile with positive and negative charges bear similar self-assembly properties.
Wahyudi Priyono Suwarso, Riwandi Sihombing, Irwansyah 2012, 'Self-Assembly and Hydrogelation of Peptide Amphiphiles', Makara Seri Sains Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The limitations of these methods can be overcome by amphiphile-based aqueous nanostructured fluids, such as micellar solutions and microemulsions.
Michele Baglioni, Giovanna Poggi, Giulia Ciolli, Emiliano Fratini, Rodorico Giorgi,Piero Baglioni 2018, 'A Triton X-100-Based Microemulsion for the Removal of Hydrophobic Materials from Worksof Art: SAXS Characterization and Application', Materials Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Surfactants are amphiphile molecules with hydrophilic head and lypophilic tail, thus bringing them affinity both to water and oil.
Gotić, M., Jurkin, T. 2013, 'Introduction to Microemulsions', Kemija u Industriji Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Introduction of stimulus responsive supramolecular amphiphile assembly-disassembly processes provides particularly novel approaches for impacting bionanotechnology applications.
Domenico Lombardo, Mikhail A. Kiselev, Salvatore Magazù, Pietro Calandra 2015, 'Amphiphiles Self-Assembly: Basic Concepts and Future Perspectives of SupramolecularApproaches', Advances in Condensed Matter Physics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (